One of the main subjects of this blog is human intelligence, in particular IQ tests, their scores and everything surrounding them. We are sort of like Pumpkin Person in that way. And yes, we will discuss the racial angle. We have been talking about IQ and human intelligence since the early days of this site and we will continue to do so.
We are not trying to show off or brag because there’s nothing to brag about anyway. No one values intelligence or IQ, so there’s no way to brag about being smart. It’s like bragging about being poor. Anyway, as you can see, intelligence is not such a great thing. Many of the posts on here discuss how high intelligence, instead of being a gift to brag about, is almost a disability along the lines of Asperger’s Syndrome. There’s about as many bad things about it as good things. And as I have said many times, often I think I would kill for average intelligence and just being one of the boys. It must be such an easier way to go through life.
I am trying to take into account that 90% of the population is batshit nuts on the subject of human intelligence and IQ. Americans hate talking about this stuff, and it is often a major faux pas to discuss it.
In Meatspace, I don’t talk about this much unless I have a good opening to do so. Like if someone says, “Jesus Christ you’re smart! How the Hell do you know all this stuff?” Actually people say things like this to me all the time, believe it or not. OK, then maybe I let the score slip out. I also act ashamed and embarrassed as I say that as if I am saying something shameful.
That’s called “false modesty.”
I know it’s a social faux pas to discuss IQ. I know many people think it is such a social faux pas that they refuse to even tell you their score. These people tend to be people like physicians and attorneys who think they have strict social rules that apply to them. I assure you that any clinical psychologist will tell you their score in a New York minute.
We are trying to take into account that this is such a socially sensitive subject, and we are trying to talk about human intelligence in the least offensive way possible. Also we have a lot of posts on the downside of very high intelligence. It’s not all a walk in the park.
Everything is up for grabs here. Commenters can discuss their scores and those of people they know. The racial and gender aspects of IQ are up for grabs, as are the curious cases where people with lower scores seem more intelligent than people with higher scores. We want to see what life is like for people at different intelligence levels. We want to know about the nature of communication across intelligence levels. We are especially interested in the notion that communication becomes difficult to impossible when you get to 30 IQ points apart.
Human intelligence is largely inborn and hence it is a gift. No one is better than anyone else due to their gifts because they did not earn them. If you have very high intelligence, it’s nothing to brag about, and it doesn’t make you better because you did nothing to earn it. You just lucked out in the genetic lottery, and you were smart enough to pick the right parents.
Since discussion of IQ and human intelligence is pretty much banned in our society as a violation of social rules, we have set aside this website as a safe place for people who want to discuss these subjects without fear of being scolded for breaking social rules. You can talk about this stuff all you want on here, and you aren’t violating any social rules because this website is outside of the stupid social rules zone.
Since this is officially an IQ blog, people who naturally feel it is a social violation to discuss human intelligence are asked to either shut up or leave the site. This is what we talk about here. It’s one of the reasons for the state. We don’t care about your moronic social rules, and we’ve got our own little safe space here where we can commit social faux pax’s all we want without fear of the Politeness Police.
Anyway, I just thought I would clear that up. No one is here to brag about anything, and high or very high intelligence is nothing to brag about anyway, as no one seems to value it. Even through we are breaking social rules by talking about this subject at all, we will still try to talk about it in as sensitive a way as possible so we are breaking the social rules in the mildest way possible. We have no interest in being deliberately offensive.
I hope that clears up some things.