Dane Rossman will speak in a few cities about his experience being extradited to Canada for actions during the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto. Dane is an anarchist living on occupied Tohono O’odham land in Tucson, Arizona.
He’s been involved for several years in anti-colonial, No Borders, and prison/police abolition movements, and will try to situate his experience of incarceration and extradition within that history, with an emphasis on ongoing struggles in Arizona.
Dane hopes to use this opportunity to raise funds for the other G20 extraditees still being held by the Canadian state, so bring cash if you can.
For more info on those cases and struggles in Arizona, see the following:
Thursday, July 10th, 7PM
Internationalist Books & Community Center
405 W Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC
Saturday, July 12th, 7PM
The Wingnut Anarchist Collective
2005 Barton Avenue, Richmond, VA
Sunday, July 13th, 7PM
A-Space Anarchist Community Center
4722 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
Tuesday, July 15th, 7PM
The Base
1302 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY