Politics Magazine

There Are More Male Geniuses, But There Are Also More Male Retards

Posted on the 26 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

Women are basically just as smart as men, but there are more men at the extremes of both retardation and genius. We’ve got a wider spread. Our intelligence manspreads just like our bodies. Blame it on that damned Y chromosome.

Men traditionally had IQ’s that averaged ~4 points higher than women, but that’s not a large spread. You won’t even notice it much.

But maybe that was what was behind the dingbat woman, airhead blonde and dumb bitch stereotypes. Yes ladies, we do call you dumb bitches when the occasional misogynistic wave hits us. We also call you something else. The first word is lame and the second word begins with a c. Putting on your thinking caps, ladies. You can figure it out. DB’s and LC’s. That’s what we call you when there are none of you around and we feel disgusted with your antics. All men feel this way. Even men who love women do. They just experience a lot less misogyny than your average man. The sexes are very different, so different that the variations drive each sex nuts.

Men also tend to think women are idiots. It’s a common complaint and once again, nearly all men feel this way. I told that to a female friend and nearly ducked after said it, anticipating a return cannon shot of quotidian feminist outrage. Instead she shrugged her shoulders and laughed, “Oh that’s nothing,” she said. “Women think men are idiots too.” Well, there you have it. It looks like we’re even then. Each sex thinks the opposite sex is moronic. Like most things, it all equals out in the end.

But as the French say, “Viva la differance!” Sure women are nutty, but as one friend put it to me, “Would  you rather have a world where all the women acted like men. That would clearly be disastrous. I wouldn’t want to live in a world like that. The best alternative is to keep women exactly as they are and embrace them warts and all. It’s called radical acceptance and it works for lots of things. Just get it into your head that this is just how women are, and they probably can’t help it anyway, and get to the point where you just accept that and are OK with it and it doesn’t bother you anymore.

At any rate, I have met no shortage of smart and even very smart women in my life. They’re everywhere, so it’s not real hard to find them.  I always figured men and women had the same scores because that is how it always seemed.

Oddly, tests in the past few years have shown that women are now completely matching men in intelligence. Their IQ’s are now statistically exactly the same as ours. Actually, they are beating us by .2 points, but that’s a trivial distance that won’t even be noticeable. What happened is that modern women are exposed to so much technology and weird gadgetry everywhere they look that they are actually getting smarter. Yes, women now are smarter in visuospatial tasks than previous generations.

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