Politics Magazine

TheBluePill Posts One of My Posts

Posted on the 29 June 2016 by Calvinthedog


You can see how much they hate me. They have posted a number of my articles, and boy do they hate my guts.

Blue Pillers are feminists and their male feminist men. They are literally the most retarded bunch of idiots on the planet. Almost nothing they says is even remotely true. They totally hate TheRedPill on Reddit and it is true that those guys are hardcore dicks, like you find on most PUA and Game sites. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the stuff those tools say is true, but I just find them nasty, ugly and misogynistic. I will say that TheBluePill has some good critiques of TheRedPill. A lot of those redpillers are just promoting abuse. I don’t abuse the women I date and love. If the only way I can have a relationship is to abuse the woman, I guess I will date my right hand for the rest of my life.

The blue pill sucks and the red pill sucks too. The Hell with both of them! It’s like so many other things in US politics. There are two views – one more or less rightwing view and one more or less leftwing view, and they are like the two slices of bread in a shit sandwich. They’re both horrible! Not only that, but there’s pretty much nothing in between. So many things in US politics are like this: the Left is insane, the Right is evil, and there’s nothing in between! US politics is polarized in the most senseless of ways. I think it is due to the fake liberal-conservative divide and the demands for ideological purity.

Because of this Trump vs. Clinton reality of gender politics, a new concept has sprung up of ThePurplePill. These are pretty much the only sane people in the gender politics debate.

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