Let me tell you, this injured tailbone (coccyx = cock-six) thing is the pits (see post HERE). Why?
- I am not used to having my tailbone hurt all of the time (sitting, laying down, getting in and out of the car). You don’t really understand how often you put pressure on cock-six until you hurt it.
- Going to the physical therapist and having your upper crack massaged is awkward, even for a forward thinking gal like me. In the words of my PT, “Beth, this is no time to be modest.”
- I am so stubborn and want to run so badly that I did something I know you all have probably done with your injuries. Yesterday, I actually hobbled into the gym to do speed work (yes speed work) on the treadmill. Denial is a powerful thing. Two steps (yes, steps) into the run I got off and went home. I may be stubborn but I’m not stupid.
- The word on the street is that I cannot attempt a run until Saturday. I will try to focus on other things I like such as eating cookies, taking pictures of Heidi doing ridiculous things and finding out what character I am most like on Friday Night Lights by taking this quiz (Tammy Taylor, duh! Ken was Riggins, which made me laugh.)
In other exciting news…after all of your amazing feedback on which Ironman I should do – Canada, CdA, Cozumel, Louisville (provided my butt is not broken)…I have chosen…NONE OF THEM.
I got lucky enough to get a spot into the sold out Ironman Boulder.
This is good news for me because I can train on the course and make everyone who has ever met me come to spectate. It’s true, we Iron People like to talk about ourselves and accomplishments quite a bit. I know this from watching this video – so damn hilarious.
And, in my last bit of news, I don’t think anyone really reads Good Housekeeping magazine (except in the dentist office – which is really funny because my dentist office called today to remind me of an appointment and said, “Nice article!” thereby proving my theory), but there is an article on Ken and me in the March edition about when he was laid off a couple of years ago. We are famous. If you’d like a signed copy, let me know (that was a joke). Btw, I do actually like GH magazine.
That’s all I got. Time to go lay on some more frozen peas. Or, maybe I’ll mix it up with some lima beans because I am crazy that way.
What magazines do you subscribe to? I have cut back – now I only get People, Entertainment Weekly, Self, All Recipes, Runner’s World and The Week (<yes, that’s a cut back)
Have you or your spouse ever been laid off? We have been through two rounds of lay offs. Now things are steady.
Anyone doing IM Boulder?