Politics Magazine

The White Low Income, Working Class and Poor Are Not As Bad As You Think

Posted on the 03 October 2017 by Calvinthedog

Actually, though small towns are not as safe as you can get, unlike what Robert is saying. If you’re in the right area, you could very well get around poor Whites who are very little different than gangbangers. Their whole scheme is identity theft, plain old theft, and extortion (sometimes using their children to gain the sympathy of people).

They also exploit the liberal economic system (giving it a bad name among conservatives), basically getting all they can for free (via using children). Yet these same whites often hate NAM’s worse than the Klan.

Actually, I lived around many poor Whites up in the mountains for many years. Those rural White areas are full of poor and low income Whites. That’s mostly who lives there.

There was almost no crime among those poor and low income rural Whites up there. I was not aware of any identity theft. There was very little theft. We even had a bunch of homeless young Whites living out in the park, and none of them ever stole either. The one guy who stole was very stupid, the worst one out of all of them, and he happened to be half-Indian. I hate to say it, but that’s when I really started thinking about biology, race, and crime. There were all these poor as dirt people living around me, almost all of them young Whites, and the only one who stole anything was a damned Indian.

There were a lot of drugs in those towns too. Meth was everywhere. I actually knew a number of meth users and most of them were extremely nice people, believe it or not. There was not a lot of crime associated with meth up there for some weird reason.

I did see some serious crime relating to interpersonal fights. One guy I knew very well was very badly beaten in the head with a metal bar to the point of unconsciousness. He was screwing some woman, he was at her house, and someone came in and nearly beat him to death. It was thought that the guy who beat him was maybe the girl’s boyfriend. I figure there is going to be serious violence or even homicide related to interpersonal conflict everywhere you go.

One thing I noticed was that there were some extremely scummy people up there. We had some as neighbors for a while. But they were mostly just destructive towards themselves. Young men went to jail pretty regularly, but it was usually for drunk driving and sometimes for fistfights with other young men. One time we called the cops on the neighbors. They had a wild fight at 3 AM and smashed out the front window. Mostly they were just gross. They would do meth and play loud music all night and were always going to be balcony and spitting down below. A lot of the spit landed on the cars below. They were disgusting and we were starting to get pretty mad about their sheer grossness.

You could talk to those guys though, and I had some pleasant conversations with them. Some were missing teeth due to meth use. They were friendly enough if you were friendly to them. Actually some were remarkably friendly. It was sort of amazing how friendly they were. And these were the meth-heads.

A young woman later moved in got pregnant soon after. She hung out with some lousy people. She was known for borrowing small amounts of money, like $5-10, and then never paying it back. In that low income White culture up there, that is considered to be extremely scummy behavior. It’s considered to be “niggerish” behavior associated with low income Blacks and Hispanics. Low income Whites are expected to be better than that, and if you act like that, you are “acting like a nigger,” and a lot of those poor Whites will ostracize you.

There were others up there who sometimes borrowed say $25. They would pay it back later as a matter of principle, always with interest. That’s how deeply moral they were.

I think people fail to understand the deep moral roots a lot of the White lower and working classes have. You have to live around them a while to see it.

These poor, low income and working class Whites also have a pretty complex moral code about politeness and appropriate behavior. It’s pretty easy to violate their rules, which is considered to be rather serious, though it is often chalked up to ignorance. A lot of the rules are unspoken, and they are communicated to you by nonverbal means that are often very hard to understand. If you break a rule, people will act upset, but they will communicate it to you in strange nonverbal ways that don’t seem to make sense. You have to figure out that they are communicating a message to you in code, and you are supposed to figure out the code.

They’re  interesting people. One great thing to say to people like that is, “You sure got a real nice family.” That always goes over very well. You are not supposed to diss someone’s family.  That is considered to be very serious social violation. They place family pretty high up in moral order.

I was not aware of a lot of welfare fraud and abuse up there. Some of the young women were on welfare. My mother said that although there were many young single Moms up there, few of them were on welfare. She said that though the young White men would not live with or marry the mother and often they broke up with them, they often supported their children despite their low incomes.

Those poor, low income ,and working class Whites have a hardcore work ethic. You are supposed to work. Refusing to work and choosing instead to live off others is considered lowlife behavior. Many work long hours, sometimes at more than one job. Quite a few of even the meth heads that I knew worked regular jobs, sometimes up to 50 hours a week.  They worked at jobs like house painter, things like that.

I also noticed something else. We had very little crime up there until a lot of Hispanics started moving into the mountains. Quite a few of them were illegals. They did not bring a lot of crime with them, but soon after they moved up there, I heard that a lot of car stereos were being stolen. If you live around Mexicans in California, you will find that most are not dangerous or criminal at all, and it is pretty safe to live around them, with the exception that Mexicans steal car stereos and car hubcaps. A few years after I moved here, all four of my hubcaps were stolen. They were stolen slowly, like one every 9 months or so. They cost ~ $25 each. I consider that a small price to pay for living around these Mexicans. It’s not like you need hubcaps or they are unaffordable.

After I moved down to this Hispanic town, I noticed that poor Whites seemed to attack themselves or direct their aggression inwards towards self-destructive behaviors, which can get pretty gross. But they did not act aggressive towards others much. But I saw that poor Hispanics and Blacks were much more likely to direct their aggression outwards towards other people and victimize them. They often seemed to show little no guilt about victimizing other people. It was like there was nothing wrong with it. Often they got outraged and angry at the victims for getting upset about being victimized!

Poor Blacks and Hispanics also “set the bar much lower” as far as acceptable behavior was concerned.

The poor Whites set a bar as far as acceptable behavior goes. Below that, you are a scum.

The Hispanics seemed to set the bar of acceptable behavior lower, and they considered worse behaviors than the Whites to be nonetheless acceptable. They allowed one to engage in more bad behaviors before they would consider you a scum.

And I hate to say it, but the Blacks around here set the bar even lower than that – they set the bar the lowest of all. They always asked for loans, and they never paid them back, ever. They saw nothing wrong with this. They walked into your house and started pointing at things you own and demanding that you give that object to them. Or they came into your house, and when your back is turned, they steal your stuff. Mexicans did this too, but it’s mostly Black or half-Blacks who did it.

I have never had a White person come into my house and start demanding that I give them my possessions even one time. That is such a profound violation in White society, even poor White society, that I cannot  put it into words. You will be thrown out of the house and never allowed back in again. Furthermore, you will be called a “nigger,” as that behavior is associated with low class Blacks, and Whites are supposed to be above that.

In all my life, I only had people come to my house and steal my stuff once, and that was an 18 year old delinquent drug user, but I blew it with him because I went to get my stash of pills when he was in the room with his friends, so he saw where I kept it. He later stole a bunch of pills from my stash.

But in general, the idea that you invite someone into your home and they rip you off when your back is turned is so outrageous in White society that it is nearly unmentionable. Once again, it is considered “niggerish,” and you will in a sense be evicted from the White race for engaging in that behavior. Among a lot of Whites, saying “you act like a nigger” is an extreme insult (you might get hit), and even poor Whites will go to great extremes to avoid engaging in behavior that would earn them that insult.

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