Hey friends–happy 1st day of February! One month into the new year, it went by quick, am I right? It doesn’t really feel like February with the temps in the 50’s today, but I will take it! I just checked my mileage log and I logged 79 miles last month (which is a lot for me as of late!) I am looking forward to seeing how this month shakes out as my training continues to increase!
So, last week I spent Monday-Thursday in a work summit which meant very early mornings and even later nights, so I am really happy that I managed to work out every morning like usual–it was a miracle really! HA! I just finished week 5 of my Rock CF half marathon training, so let’s see how it went with the Weekly Wrap Up!
Week of 1/25-1/31
Monday: I had 4 miles on the books, I only made it 2. It was a terrible run, I stopped and stretched but nothing helped loosen my calves. At 2 miles, I threw in the towel. There is no use hurting myself or beating myself up over it…some runs are good, some aren’t. This clearly wasn’t a good one.
Tuesday: I did a full body strength training circuit and managed to lift between 5 and 10 lbs heavier than usual on certain body parts which made me really happy, I’m hoping that all the strength training I am incorporating not only makes me stronger and able to lift heavier, but makes me a stronger runner too!
Wednesday: Speed work day-total of 5 miles. I warmed up for 1/2 a mile, then did 7x400m at a 7:30 pace with 400m of slow running recovery in between each set and did a mile cool down. During the recovery a few times I had to stop and quickly stretch out my calves, but overall I felt pretty good. It does surprise me though at how I used to be able to do repeats at this speed and it felt a heck of a lot easier than it does right now, but I’m getting there, baby steps right?
Thursday: After a really late night out at work that included too much dancing and a few drinks (which is very unusual for me) I was happy that I made it to the gym in the morning. I was exhausted but once I got going with my strength training circuit I felt a million times better. I did a full body circuit and then foam rolled my calves and IT bands.
Friday: I think the week of being away at a work summit took its toll on me because when I woke up in the morning, I felt like I was going to vomit I was so tired. By the time I made it into work, I was still super tired, but not so sick so I did my “easy” 2 miles and foam rolled in prep for my long run on Saturday. I did both miles in my Altras and felt pretty good!
Saturday: I had 10 miles on my training plan (my longest run since 2014.) I was up at 5 am and needed to get my miles in before a super busy day with my boys, so I quickly got dressed and grabbed my water and Nuun and headed downstairs to get it done! I had saved up a few episodes of Jane the Virgin (don’t judge, I love that show) and watched the last 2 episodes so I was all caught up. I ran the first 3 miles with my Altras and they felt great. I really wanted to keep going in them but played it smart and switched my shoes out to finish the last 7 miles. I ate a piece of an orange around mile 5 and then at every mile took another slice or two throughout the rest of my run. I really was unprepared with fuel for this run, but I actually felt fine with the Nuun and the orange, so I went with it.
All in all, I surprisingly felt great, maybe it was my body repaying me for my terrible run on Monday?? I was anticipating this to be much harder, but it looks like I just had a great running day! I did the 10 miles at a 9:24 pace, which felt very comfortable for me and then did a short .3 mile walking cool down.
I finished up my run, had some breakfast, showered and did my hair before Ashton woke up, which was perfect timing! We had a really busy day ahead of us with hair cuts, birthday parties, friends coming over the house, etc so I was really happy I got my run out of the way early so I didn’t have it hanging over my head all day. Plus, this was a huge confidence booster for me as 10 miles just felt so long to me since it had been so long since I ran that long. I have three 10 milers and one 12 miler on the books for this training cycle so I was happy this one went so well!
Sunday: A day of rest!!! Robyn tweaked his back late Saturday night
so he was down for the count for the day, which meant Ashton and I went grocery shopping, cooked, cleaned and did laundry while he rested. It was actually a perfect day (minus Robyn’s back) and we all napped, played games and generally just relaxed, which was much needed!So, there you have it my friends, the Weekly Wrap Up! Overall, it was a good week of training, I’m feelings stronger and hoping this week is just as good!
Have a great Monday–I will see you later this week!
Question of the day
How was your weekend? Do anything fun?