Fashion Magazine

The Weekly Squeeze: A Clear Skin Concotion

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

juicing for clear skin

I know I’ve been complaining lately about my skin, but I am glad to say it’s finally on the road to recovery (fingers crossed I didn’t juice jinx mysel). Which may be partly due to the new juice I’ve been chugging.

Last weeks juice was a little too heavy with veggies and garlic. It did not sit well with me and I tasted it all day. Sick. So, when this week rolled around and it was time to craft up a new juice, the thought of chugging something similar to gazpacho made me gag. I needed something delicious and fruity. This juice seemed ideal as it only needed 3 tasty ingredients and is meant to help clear up skin issues. Done and done.

It’s my new fave. 

To sum up why this combo is so good for your complexion:

+ Pineapple contains manganese. It’s a vitamin that our bodies just can make, but are super good for us. They are especially good when it comes to healing wounds and maintaining your skins over all health.

+ The granny smith and the red delicious are the BEST for your skin as they contain the most collagen and elastin. Which as you can image from the names, are great for keeping your skin looking young and wrinkle free.

+ Cucumbers, one of my favorite vegetables, is chock full of Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin helps boosts the amount of collagen your body produces.


easy juicing recipes

tips for juicing


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