Culture Magazine

The Waterfalls of Letchworth State Park

By Shattman

   These shots are ‘burning a hole in my pocket’ [probably a strange idiom to foreigners], so I won’t wait for the ‘coming weeks’. These are the two major waterfalls in Letchworth State Park [scroll down a bit to see an earlier posting]. The Upper and Middle Falls are separated by less than 1/2 mile and the walk between them is quite easy. The two shots of Upper Falls were taken with and without my trusty 10-stop neutral density filter. I really like the cotton effect on the water [see the Honeoye Falls in the Oct. 18 posting below].
The Waterfalls of Letchworth State Park
The Waterfalls of Letchworth State Park
The Middle Falls is more impressive, and one can get much closer, as well as find more locations to shoot from. I wish I had some sound to accompany these pics.The Waterfalls of Letchworth State Park
The Waterfalls of Letchworth State Park

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