- Black people are less intelligent than Whites as measured accurately by IQ tests.
- Black people impose considerable costs on society.
- Your average Hispanic has an IQ of 90. Queera flagged this fact as racist when I used it in a post and threatened to ban me.
- Blacks commit 8X more crime than Whites.
- Blacks are 13% of the population but commit over half the violent crime.
- Large cities with high percentages of Black people tend to be slummy, dangerous, rundown, blighted hellholes.
- Blacks tend to be more impulsive than Whites.
- 80% of Black kids are born to a single mother.
- Many Black men do not stick around and take care of their children. My Black female next door neighbor flipped out and called me racist when I made this remark.
- Most prison rape is Black on White. Almost none is the other way around.
- Blacks have quite high rates of STD’s.
- Heavily Black schools tend to perform poorly.
- Blacks tend to be poorer than Whites at postponing instant gratification.
- One of the main reasons so many Blacks get shot by police is because they commit so much crime.
- Black people tend to be louder than White people. When I was a schoolteacher, a principal flipped out and threatened to fire me once when I said this in his office.
Those are all straight up facts, but if I say any of them out loud or write them on my website, I will be barraged with accusations of racism.
Queera flagged this entire quote as racist and threatened to ban me if I kept writing stuff like this.