Creativity Magazine

The Tricksy English Language

By Vickilane
The Tricksy English Language
As Josie grapples with the English language and its many non-intuitive spellings, I applaud her determination--and tell her that, apart from memorizing everything, a great way to be a good speller is to read a lot so that you will recognize when a word isn't spelled correctly.

I think of this when I see numerous posts on FB about stray dogs described as skiddish. Or when someone is described as giving free reign to something. Or, to take another horsey mistake, using Woah instead of the time-honored Whoa. 

It's hard to get over being an English teacher. I read a novel the other day in which a bird was pruning its feathers. And a wall was described as being made of waddle-and-daub.

Arrgh! I think I need a cup of covefe.

The Tricksy English Language

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