Creativity Magazine

The Traditional Tree

By Vickilane
The Traditional Tree

The cranberry/popcorn string, the candy canes, the icicles, the red bows and glass balls. . .

The Traditional Tree
The angel I made from a kit some forty years ago. . .
The Traditional Tree
The crocheted snowflakes from Lillian Vernon (is that mail order business still around?)
The Traditional Tree
A heart Justin made in second grade . . .
The Traditional Tree

And a tree from Josie's kindergarten days . . .

The Traditional Tree
John made this Santa almost fifty years ago when we decorated a tree at my grandparent's house. . .

And a mama and baby pig--just one of my many "favorite" ornaments.It's taken me several days, but The Tree is done! (Josie helped on one of the days.)

The Traditional Tree

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