Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

The Sound of Wind Has New Meaning…

By Jenrene

It’s almost spring.

I am thinking that sounds a bit dreadful. I  LOVE spring.  On the other hand, I also don’t look forward particularly to the sounds of strong winds  as I now live in the Midwest. in fact, when they get ready strong, I begin to pray for others. Strong winds int he midwest, mean sudden tornados, if mixed with a little  or a lot of rain.

The sudden tornadic winds  that happen here, have a certain mystique to them. I  really can’t describe it. I  just feel as if  spring –  is a season that must be  bathed in prayer. It’s almost a meditative season for me, as new things spring forth and buds sprout in  the trees and my flowers come up out of the grounds, and beneath old leaves… I become adventurous again… I look for pictures and I walk, and enjoy the wind as it blows through my hair.

I visited Moore Oklahoma last week, unexpectedly, and as my husband was  busy with other matters, I wandered onto the streets of last year’s  tornadic winds that destroyed an entire neighborhood. The neighborhood looks as if its healing. I am not aware of  whether or not the people are.

moore ok

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