Politics Magazine

The Race of the Paleo-Indians of the Americas

Posted on the 24 September 2017 by Calvinthedog

Don: I heard that the Tierra del Fuego Amerinds were considered Paleo-Indians. ‘Luzia’ was found only to be 10,000 yrs. old and not Australoid, proven by a number of different institutions. Many scientists that work in anthropology all agree she is Paleo-Indian.

Luzia is 12,500 years old.

Your statement is a tautology because Paleo-Indians = Australoids, racially speaking, by skulls. They are probably looking at genes, and yes, on genes, they are Indians. It’s just that the Indians if you go that far back Indians look like Australoids, as did the NE Asian populations from which they derived. See for instance the Australoid Ainu, basically depigmented Veddoids originally from Thailand 16,000 YBP, then later to the Australoid Jomon 13,000 YBP, who also occupied Japan. These were and are very robust people. The Ainu are NE Asian by genes and Australoid by skulls.

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