I have complex opinions on this subject.
One of them is that is there is no consistent legal definition of sexual harassment.
Apparently a man is sexually harassing a woman whenever he makes her feel uncomfortable. That’s not a legal definition and if it is, it is unconstitutional, as vague laws are illegal. I have no idea how to behave in such a way as to never make any woman on Earth uncomfortable, so the law is vague as I have no way of figuring out what’s illegal and what’s not. It also defines the crime as based on a woman’s subjective feelings, which is not a legal definition. Crimes are not based on people’s feelings. Crimes are based on discrete acts, defined scientifically and precisely.
The definition “unwanted sexual advances” if applied, basically outlaws all flirting between men and women!
It does this because a man must make an initial sexual advance before anything romantic or sexual starts. The advance is either accepted or it is not. If it’s not, it’s not sexual harassment! In this way, #metoo effectively outlaws all flirting between men and women.
Here is a more proper definition: The woman needs to communicate to the man that this is an unwanted advance and that she would like the advances to stop. She may communicate this in any number of ways. At that point, the man really needs to stop. If he persists in making unwanted advances over time and it becomes habitual and annoying, pestering, bothering behavior, the standard of sexual harassment is met.
The original definition of sexual harassment was serious, persistent and ongoing unwanted sexual advances. I am fine with this. If she communicates that you need to stop, you need to stop. If you keep bothering her, it’s harassment. Harassment implies ongoing pestering, bothering or annoying someone. It usually has to be going on for some time. You can’t harass someone one time!
The original definition was also quid pro quo, which made sense.
The definition was expanded to the present can of worms called hostile workplace environment by Katharine McKinnon and Andrea Dworkin, two of the worst manhaters of the 20th Century. I do not exaggerate.
It is under hostile workplace environment that most sexual harassment is now occurring. It is interesting to note that the legal definition of sexual harassment applies only to the workplace. Apparently men can sexually harass women all they want to outside the workplace, and it’s perfectly legal. It’s not very nice, but it’s not against the law.
Seeing where these women were coming to, I can’t help but see this as an attempt to criminalize heterosexual sex, at least male heterosexual sex. Women of the ilk of these two are radical feminists. Radfems are clear that they want all women to be lesbians and they want all men to stop having sex with and trying to have sex with women. This is their actual ideology!
Sexual assault is another can of worms. 99% of cases are never prosecuted because if you did, you would have 10 million men in prison in the first year.
And women grab and brush up against men all the time too. They’ve been doing it to me my whole life. Not so much now, as I am 61, but when I was a young man, of course.
Furthermore, another definition of sexual assault is “dating.” Heterosexual dating typically involves the man having to initiate physical contact with the woman. You hold her hand, put your arm around her, put your hand on her leg, touch her arms with your hands, gently put your foot into her rear, brush up against her, lean over and kiss her, etc. You don’t ask permission! No real man ever asks permission to do any of these things. Asking permission is pathetic, wimpy, unmasculine, cucked behavior.
Instead of asking permission, he just does it, and she likes it or not. If she likes it, you proceed. If she doesn’t, you probably need to stop.
However any time a man touches a woman without her expressed prior permission, it’s sexual assault! Now if she tells him to knock it off and he keeps grabbing at her, it’s a problem. Police generally get involved in sexual assault only if a male stranger aggressively grabs a female stranger.
Rape is another can of worms. The feminist definition of rape apparently outlaws 1/2 of married sex!
This is a Puritanical, prudish, uptight, censorious, Victorian, sex-hating movement. The Left is now as anti-sex as the religious right, if not worse.
And we created the Sexual Revolution.
All real women who love men need to stand up and oppose this manhating movement or at least argue for sensible changes in the definitions of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape.