In reference to this piece:
Archie Leach says: I don’t see anything wrong with this.
Most women I know actually hate wearing high heels and only wear them on occasions that “require” them wearing them.
Otherwise, at least the women I know, are like anyone else and wear shoes that are most comfortable.
First of all, I would like to say that I like Archie and I am proud that he is one of our commenters. This response is not meant to attack him. My response follows:
Do you have any idea how much feminists hate high heels? They hate high heels, they hate sexy outfits, a lot of them even hate makeup.
They are furious at the whole idea that women should dress up to please men. That’s what they ate.
I have talked to some women, older women, who were actually proud to say that they still wear heels in their 40’s and 50’s. That’s because these are women who like being sexy for men. Feminists consider women like this to be brainwashed.
Do you see the part where she says she wants women to avoid “the patriarchal gaze?” Do you know what that means? It’s feminist talk. Feminists go on and on about “the male gaze.” As soon as girls start looking like women as teenagers, they start being subjected to this horrible male gaze, which is apparently devastating to these fragile perma-virgin perma-victims. Feminists hate the fact that we look at women. They even consider it a form of sexual harassment, and some of the idiot #metoo charges are against men are against men who looked at women. We are not supposed to look at them at all, or if we do, we are supposedly to look at them in a nonsexual way, which is impossible for any real men who’s not dead or gay.
Next time a woman points to her face and says, “My face is up here” (a reference to the fact that you are looking at her tits like all real men do), respond, “If you don’t want me looking at your tits, baby, why don’t you quit walking around with your tits hanging out?” Because that’s what idiot modern Western feminist women do. They walk around with their tits hanging out and their cleavage showing, and then they get furious because we are looking at your tits like any healthy male mammal would. Feminism has ruined Western women and it’s made them all insane to boot.
I do agree though that women attending these festivals should not be pressured into wearing uncomfortable tight gowns and heels, and should not be seens as uptight prudes if they refuse to do so. That’s just wrong. Women attending these festivals can wear whatever they want. That’s fine with me.
Do you realize that feminists actually want to ban high heels from certain venues? I shit you not.