The only cure for grief is to grieve – by Earl Grollman
Whoever has been following my blog entries, knows that we lost our first baby who was born prematurely; mourned for our adult son who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, proved to be medication resistant and when he realized that nothing could stop the voices, he ended his life. I buried my parents, which is the most ‘natural’ of all these tragedies; and then my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and passed away three years ago.
So, my family and I are not new to grief, which is a natural response to loss, and having grieved for so many loved ones, I have decided to write in the blogs to come about the different feelings we experienced on each occasion.
Most people experience grief at some time in their lives. It is not easy for me to describe the intense, rolling waves of emotion. What I discovered was that there are only two ways to handle grief when trying to cope. I could give up and slip into a depression which was something I made a conscious effort not to do, OR, I could carry on with my life and learn coping techniques along the way, which is what I chose to do even though it was not at all easy.
See tomorrow’s blog for more on this subject: