Fashion Magazine

The Olsen’s Latest

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

Something you may or may not know about me: I am a die-hard fan of the Olsen twins. Always have been, always will be. I like to stay on top of everything they do, what they are wearing, and who they are dating (still can’t get over the fact MK is dating my grampa- sick!!). Anyways, I recently saw that they have designed a bag for their clothing line, The Row, that is selling for $55K. Yessss…. you read right- $55,000! The billionaire twins may not need an extra $55,000/bag, but I can’t deny the fact that they are seriously genius businesswomen. I am placing bets that this bad boy will do just fine… and I thought we were in a bad economy???

Upon further research this is what I found out about this ridiculously expensive bag:

+  In October the Olsen’s designed a Crocodile Backpack that had a price tag of $39,000…. it sold out (see comment above regarding our “bad economy”).

+ This edition of the bag is in collaboration with the artist Damien Hirst.

+ This bag is exclusive to Just One Eye.

+ The popular bag of this series is the bag that is adorned with little prescription pills, but they also have a variety of hand painted polka dot versions.

+ A percentage of the proceeds from each sale of the bag goes to UNICEF.

+ The amount donated will be decided upon will be at Damien’s discretion.

We really hope that with the price of these bags, Damien will be able to spare a few bucks to donate to a good cause. Geez!! 

damien hirst the row

the Olsen's pill backpack

damien hirst and the row bag

The Olsen’s Latest

(source, source)

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