Politics Magazine

The Old “Treat Woman Like Crap” Advice

Posted on the 18 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

GondwanaMan: Pumpkin Person told to me to try some sociopathy/narcissism, but it’s hard! I started reading Chateau Heartiste/Roosh V, then went outside of my apartment to try it out. First girl I tried it on, walked away. Same with the second. Then I went to a third one. Same thing.

Finally I found an elderly woman and talked down to her like she was stupid. She liked me, but I think only because she was hard of hearing and lonely. So I’ll try again tomorrow on someone else.

Personally, the last men on Earth I would read for advice on how to get women are ultra-misogynists and narcissist/sociopaths Chateau Heartiste and Roosh V. I suppose that technique could work if you are a real scumbag. Roosh’s advice seems to be mostly a How to Date Rape Women and Get Away with It manual. And Roosh is indeed a date rapist. That’s for sure. And boy does he hate women.

You hear a lot of players and womanizers give precisely this advice on how to get women and deal with them. They claim it works fantastic. Some of the worse ones even say that they beat and hit women, and this works wonders. None of this has ever made the tiniest bit of sense to me, and I’m pretty experienced with women.

As a man who has done quite well with women in his life, I would say that acting like a sociopath/narcissist in the sense you are talking about is just not going to work. I’ve never gotten women by talking down to them like they are idiots. Lots of players say the secret to women is to treat them like shit, but I’ve had many girlfriends, and that’s never worked for me. I don’t get it. How to guys treat women like shit and get away with it?

As it is, women in my life are always accusing me of insulting them or not caring about them or being mean or hurting their feelings. That is, being an asshole. However, I am generally not even trying to do that! I actually try very hard not to insult women or put them down too much, but it seems like women are paranoid and always reading insults into places where they are not intended. To the extent that I have treated women poorly in this way, albeit usually unintentionally, it’s never been anything but a disaster. I don’t get it. How do misogynists get women? How does insulting a woman get you laid? How does talking down to a woman make her want to go out with you?

Color me mystified.

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