Food & Drink Magazine

The Not So Bitter Medicine in a Pretty Package - Pure Active Neem and a Teenager

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
"Is that is Fr#@*%"#g zit?"
Yes ,I am a new age mom to a teenager, I allow a few , mind you ,a few cuss words( thank god he is in no competition to me...he would loose so badly).
I get to hear these yells from his room ever so often now a days. And all I can do is smirk...
Once upon a time , he used to watch me get ready and gloat over his clean zit free baby skin .All he could stress upon was his better gene pool . He believed he had inherited daddy's clear complexion. Little did he know about raging hormones.
I keep my armada of pimple tackling gharelu nuskhe only for myself.
 I doubt he would like to bathe in the stinky green water I have boiled tons of neem leaves in. Or that he would like to walk around with tomato paste all over his face ,or have white crusted dried toothpaste mounds on his face...
I am omniscient. I am mom. I knew what was coming.
Having been through the same breakouts myself, I remember my mums  infinite patience with which she made and slathered face masks on my reluctant self. I thank my stars that she did. It is because of her efforts that my skin today is free of acne scars.
Unfortunately, I have none of her diligence, and sweet child has none of my obedience.
What I have is technology ,Internet and advertising.
So , when I went monthly grocery shopping, I picked up Garnier Pure Active neem face wash for him.
The next time he was attacked by " ze zits " , I rattled out the same word weary moral lecture about abstinence from chocolate, junk food and the likes while he rolled his eyes and went searching for some relief.
And which lady should come to his rescue, but lil Miss Alia Bhat'ffet' herself...
Well ,she did .
On television, showing off her squeaky clean baby skin. Since she is quite a hot topic of discussion on his whatsapp groups(which of course I am privy too-not a new age mom for nothing!) She quite grabs the eyeballs.
And he turns around and begins to demand Pure Active Neem...and the tube of Pure Active Neem face wash falls into his hands.
Could I be any cooler?
So now with a towel around his neck and a tube of Pure Active Neem face wash in his hands he duly washes his face two times a day.
He is happy with the soap free neem leaf extract and tea tree oil purifying and cleansing his skin of the effects of pollution.
I could have done the same as my mom did and plucked neem leaves and crushed them and applied the filthy ,slimy paste on reluctant sweet child. Fortunately, God blessed garnier with research scientists who extracted all that was good from these medicinal plants. Neem is now not so bitter and tea tree oil not as elusive.
Thanks to the, new age women/mums  like me can use the force of our fingers on our precious tabs and smart phones instead.
As to me , I am thankful for not having to clean off toothpaste from whatever remains hanging in the washroom.
I'm not sure he wants to give me credit for my wisdom of having purchased the neem face wash for him, but I am sure some where he and similar young boys credit Alia Bhatt for their shiny pimple free skin. So no more pimples and no more historical marks of pimples remain either.
The not so bitter medicine in a pretty package - Pure Active Neem and a teenager
Check out further information on the garnier Pure Active Neem face wash website.
This guarantees, mom knows best. So boy or girl Pure Active Neem face wash helps you evolve from a pimply monster to being totally beautifully you.
This post is written for garnier Pure Active Neem face wash and Indiblogger. 

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