Creativity Magazine

The New Guy Gets Some Tips

By Vickilane

The New Guy Gets Some Tips
Listen, Bailey, you're only a dog but you're new here and I like your looks. Could be we're distant cousins or something. Nah, just kidding. But I do have a soft spot for guys in formalwear. 
The New Guy Gets Some Tips
So let me fill you in on a few important things. First of all, Angeline and I are the bosses here. That Man and The Woman may seem important to you because they prepare the food and clean up the messes, but you have to realize they're just the staff. They mean well and they certainly serve an important function but never forget who's in charge.
The New Guy Gets Some Tips
Yes, that would be me. And Angeline, who is something of a silent partner (and not as friendly as I am. Do not mess with Angeline.)

You at least know enough not to bark at us or try that silly pouncing thing Jenny used to do till we set her straight. If you could stop barking at the television, that would be good. 

Yeah, there's a lot to learn about living in a mixed household like this. Just follow my lead to the best of your limited abilities and you'll do fine.

I'll be watching.

The New Guy Gets Some Tips


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