I say 'I' but I did have a little help financially
I also say 'new' as in it's new to me, not brand new
I had my old car for about 5 years
It was 15, yes 15 years old
Just about verging on being a banger
I can't complain about my old car though
It served me well and rarely gave me any trouble
But really it was the dogs car
They had completely taken it over
They absolutely love going in the car
The minute they hear the rattle of the car keys they're on their feet and ready to go
Lea is a big dog so she takes up most of the back seat
And Miss Honey has her own little place up in the back window
Old car, looking well at the grand ol' age of 15
I'm so excited about having a new car
It's all bright and shiny and I am so proud to drive it
The only thing is the new car is automatic
I have never driven an automatic before so I had lots of fun trying to get the hang of it
I nearly put my mother through the windscreen quite a few times!
I didn't want to put my dogs in the new car
My old car was destroyed on the inside with dogs hairs and sand and drool
So determined to keep the new car spic and span, I decided to put them in the boot as it is an open boot
Here's how that went....
First I tried to coax Lea in
She got totally confused and kept going over to the old car
Then I decided to lift Honey in it
Once she was in she got very territorial and growled at Lea when she tried to get in
Scratch that idea
I thought the jump in to the car was too high for her so I put a chair out for Lea
But she just got even more confused.....
Then I decided to get in to the boot in the hope that she would follow me in
That went well......
Scratch that idea too
Eventually Lea finally realised what I wanted her to do
She jumped from the ground straight in to the boot and over the back seat
Lea 1
Ruby 0
In the end the dogs got their way and sat in the back seatAh well there's always tomorrow........