Food & Drink Magazine

The Myth of the Fitbit

By Yonni @vegandthecity
I admit I was never a fan of the Jawbone or the Fitbit.  I am not usually the skeptical type, but I just didn't see the need for an app to tell me how I'm doing.  I know if I've been sleeping well or not, and I know when I've taken enough steps ~ or turns on the spin bike ~ or not.  I also know when I need to reign in my eating, and when I'm being my usually cautious self.  As The Trendy Vegan, we all know I love a good meal, but I also know when I've indulged a bit too much.

An article in Friday's Washington Post brings the most important piece of all to light: exercise is not enough to keep you fit and healthy.

Consider this startling fact: Obesity is about to outrank tobacco as the leading cause of cancer.

You don't need to be a fitness expert to know that cardio and strength training are, no doubt, good for you. They reap so many benefits and can foster a healthy lifestyle.  However, if you use your 1,000 calorie-burning-cardio-class as an excuse to indulge, gaining weight may still be an issue, and too often, health issues follow.

To see more, click on the link to the article below:

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