Debate Magazine

The (my) Problem with Choosing a Blog ‘Theme’

By Carnun @Carnunmp
The (my) Problem with Choosing a blog ‘Theme’

Which way to go? I want both.

I’ve really embraced this new hobby of mine. For so many reasons, I’ve come to love blogging.

In short, it’s allowed me to:

  • Refine my thoughts.
  • Get feedback for my attempts at coherency.
  • Build an online presence.
  • Connect to a community of other freethinking Bloggers, and appreciate their work.

But, I have a problem. All of the ‘pros’ aside, I’m starting to realize something when it comes to my writing: I may have restricted myself with my chosen ‘theme’.

I write about non-belief a lot. I like writing about non-belief, and that has always been my plan… It’s just that it may not be enough.

The issue I seem to be facing (bearing in mind that this may all be in my head) is that I want to write about a lot more here. I am an Atheist, yes, but so are many others. There are tons of blogs out there rambling about Atheism and only that, mine included. I’d like to branch out a bit.

Twitter bio
What do I mean? Well, my Twitter bio currently has me down as “A young, self-identifying Atheist, Humanist, Rationalist, Empiricist, Skeptic, Socialist, Science Geek, Dog lover” – but I feel I too often leave out some of these views when writing here.

I’d like to explore skepticism, my political inklings, and my other interests through this blog a bit more – so long as you guys don’t mind.

I understand that I can’t write about everything  (and that doing so would make this blog less appealing for those who do come for specifics), but, again, I would like to broaden it a bit.

Anyway, enough babbling from me! What do you guys think?

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Feel free to add options, and leave comments. This is all you now.

As always,




Oh, and sorry for the lateness of the post: I’ve been busy with school-related things. Bloody GCSEs…

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