Ukraine, like other countries, is very rich in its history and understanding of the change of times it gives the Crimean peninsula. One of the large area of its cities is Sevastopol, which has a rich panorama of sights.
Ancient monuments of Sevastopol are the ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesos, located in the city center. While Chersonese – a Greek colony founded in the 5th century BC, a major political, economic and cultural center of the Northern Black Sea. In 988, Prince Vladimir of Kiev siege took this coastal city, and then here to Christianity. In this part of the city is the Cathedral of St. Vladimir, and built in the year 988, as a reminder of a great historical event. Also located on site is the bell of Chersonese, which has a history. During the defense of Sevastopol of 1854-1855 as the trophies were taken a few bells of the local temples and churches. In 1913, one of them was found in France, in the cathedral of Notre Dame. This was reported to the consul L. Gay. Bell ringing back obratno.Teper it is heard only in a vague time of day, as the sign in order to avoid shipwrecks at Cape Chersonese.

Cossack Bay Area remarkable one of the most famous artillery strength of the Soviet Union – 35th Coastal Battery. Construction of the battery began in the days of imperial Rossii.Pervaya World War and the revolution prevented at the time of its construction. Great expenditure of vast amounts of concrete and iron was offset by the fact that 35 battery withstand the impact of fascist “Dora.”
On the border of Sevastopol and Yalta on the Big Red Rock Church of Christ’s Resurrection is seen, built in 1892, which became the trademark of the best tea in the Russian Empire.
Natural attractions of Sevastopol are: Balaklava Bay, Cape Fiolent, Balaclava Bay and Cape Aya. This stunningly beautiful place with unique cliffs, coves, beaches and vegetation.
The famous Panorama of the first defense of Sevastopol. It is truly beautiful and a painting illustrates the first defense of Sevastopol. Surprisingly canvas combined with dummy and it is difficult to discern what is depicted and what is not.

In Balaklava there is a factory to repair submarines, which is open for sightseeing visit. Built in the late 50th by order of IV Stalin, in the case of a direct nuclear strike, it could close its doors, and the plant should operate for another 3 years. Moreover, all employees could live comfortably inside, eat and work. On the opposite side of the Balaklava Bay beckon eyes ruins of Genoese fortress Genoese, a subsidiary of the national reserve “Chersonese“. On her part, overlooking the Bay of Balaclava and the picturesque Botanical Reserve – Cape Aya.

Kalamita Fortress, or rather the remains of the fortifications, which in ancient times belonged to the principality of Theodoro.

St. Clement monastery, which is carved into the rock.

Sunken Ships Monument. It is in fact, a symbol of the city of Sevastopol. Ships sunk there specifically for that would block his path to the enemy.

Military Historical Museum of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. Here a unique collection of exhibits, which will tell you about fighting way of the fleet.

Aquarium-Museum. Here you will see beautiful fish, sharks, stingrays, piranhas, krylatikov, snakes, lizards, turtles

Armored Train “Zheleznyakov.” It is this train in the defense of the glorious city of Sevastopol.

I love the city of Sevastopol and been there many times! There really is something to see! And what sort of beaches, restaurants and cafes! I strongly advise you to go there and make my words!