Creativity Magazine

The Loyal Opposition

By Vickilane
The Loyal Opposition
The new president is wreaking havoc at a rate that is hard to keep up with. Go-ahead to the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline; away with funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and NPR; gag rules for the USDA, the EPA, and the Park Service . . .  my e mail is full of petitions asking me to stand against these reckless actions-- I can hardly sign one before two more pop up.
The Loyal Opposition
And there're calls to make to my Congresspeople and postcards to write . . . it's easy to begin to feel overwhelmed, especially when the Presidential Pen of Doom is moving at warp speed to deregulate everything (except women's healthcare and free speech -- those are in the cross hairs.) Clean air, clean water, public lands -- who needs these? -- as long as the big donors get their way. 
The Loyal Opposition
So much is in danger -- Planned Parenthood, healthcare, public education, truth itself -- how does one deal with a regime that runs on 'alternative facts'? It's dispiriting. But those of us who disagree with and deplore this new administration have to keep making our opposition known.    We must fight for what we believe -- face time with your Congresspeople is the best, phone calls in which you actually speak to a person are also effective. Know what you want to say, be polite, and be persistent. Make those calls, write those postcards, support the organizations and journalists who speak truth to power, and, above all, pay attention.
Remember that DT lost the popular vote by almost three million. We need  constantly to remind him and Congress hat we're still here. The loyal opposition
The Loyal Opposition

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