Politics Magazine

The Left Case Against Israel

Posted on the 27 March 2014 by Calvinthedog

Fermin writes:

Hey Robert, we are friends of fascists, like the Israelis, so what do you think of the practical ethnic cleansing that’s going on with the Palestinians in Israel?

I find it pure politics and pure hypocrisy how Americans and the US government in general supports Israel as a civilized democratic state when the Israeli government regularly breaks human rights laws with regards with Palestinian citizens of the state by implementing draconian apartheid/Nazi-style laws and claiming them to be in self-defense against extremists and the old victimhood of the Israelis by saying that they need to do what they need to do in order to defend against neighboring countries and Palestinians (sound like Hitler’s Germany much?).

I find it ridiculous when Americans support Israel and have fundraisers for Israel and all these silly money-raising events when these monies are going towards funding the Israeli government’s consistent human rights violations of Muslim (and also Christian) Palestinians. These funds should be considered “funding a terrorist group” by international and US law because that is what it is, the funding of Israeli terror upon Palestinian people.

The Jews say they are the indigenous people of Israel and Palestinians are foreigners? First off, DNA studies prove Palestinians are genetically simply descendants of Christianized and later (mostly) Islamicized Hebrews, second the Jews are mostly from Europe and are consequently only partly of Hebrew descent while most Palestinians are closer to the Hebrews by blood, and finally, the Torah itself states how Jews are not indigenous to Canaan, but rather invaders who genocided the native population (women, children, elderly, and even “cleansed” their animals and plants) and discriminated the remaining survivors by segregating them.

Then there are the militant migrants to Israel from around the world who set up shop and teach others how to “defend their (new) homes” (aka illegally colonize and take over Palestinian lands and kill the owners if they resist), or simply they go out “hunting” for Palestinians.

I don’t really blame the regular Israelis, I blame the government and its propaganda as well as militant and extremist Zionists who are responsible. All of this that is happening there disgusts me, but of course the Jews are always the victims and are always justified in whatever they do, that’s why we should always support the “civilized man” (Israelis) over the “barbarians” (Palestinians). Garbage.

There are many factors that go into US support for Israel. America is a settler-colonial state, so we will tend to support all other settler-colonial states because after all they are only reproducing our original sin. Americans have never really made peace with the crimes of the nation’s founding – after all, if they had come to terms with it, we would not be supporting these Israeli, Moroccan and other monsters so much. The Jews are the early Americans and the Arabs are the savage Indians – that is sadly the way that many Moronicans no doubt view this issue.

Jews are 2% of the US population. Sure they have a lot of media and money power, but that only goes so far. The Jews have a lot of media and money power in Russia and the Ukraine too, and look how far that got them. The money and media power of the Jews in 1932 Germany was immense. Mass Jewish money and media power is no guarantee against the inevitable anti-Semitic nationalist backlash that so often occurs historically.

When the natives of a land have had quite enough of you, all your money and newspapers won’t amount to a hill of beans. The problem of the Jew (or the human in general) is that he is never satisfied with just a bit of money, media or power. No matter how much he has, the Jew always wants more. This is called greed. History has proved this many times. The Jew never stops pushing. Sure the reasonable Jews start warning, “What are you trying to do – start a pogrom?!” but greed is a powerful emotion.

You can only push people so far until they start fighting back. The Jewish problem is the human problem – the Jew always fails to look at the long-term and looks only at the short-term. Furthermore, the wild paranoia of the Jew drives him to ever-more escalations of greed  – after all, the Jews never have enough money, media and other power to fight “the Nazi enemy,” but the problem is that as Jewish money power increases exponentially, the inevitable ugly backlash only gains steam, so the increasing accumulation of money and power only serves as a huge factory for making more and more Nazis.

In 1932, Jews were 1% of the population of Germany and they had 32% of the wealth. The next year, the Nazi Party had taken over with a viciously anti-Semitic program. That’s a sad chapter. but how many human societies will sit back and let a minority of 1% grab 1/3 of the economy? There are not a whole lot of human societies who are that magnanimous or capitalist-minded. I suppose people should be good Libertarian rightwing capitalists and just let the rich of whatever ethnicity grab as much wealth as possible while reducing the natives to penury (After all, Ayn Rand would have approved!) but humans are much more fair-minded people than they are Objectivist capitalist ideologues.

Also Americans don’t really need the Jewish Lobby. Sure the Lobby is ugly and horrible, but the sad truth is that the vast majority of US Gentiles (especially the Whites) are lined up right behind the Isralo-Nazis all the way, Lobby or no Lobby. The American people are really nothing but a bunch of Jews anymore anyway, as Christian propriety in terms of behavior and business was long since overridden by what I call “the Jewish spirit.”

Of course, the often-genocidal Nazi-like rhetoric and horrific terrorism of the Arabs against Israel doesn’t exactly help matters. The Holocaust was a very ugly thing, and most decent people don’t want a Round Two. From afar it looks like the Arabs/Muslims are itching for a movie called Return of Holocaust, and most decent folks recoil at that. Because giving the Arabs what they want seems to horrid, most just sit back and let the Zionazis do whatever they want to. No matter the atrocity, the Israelis justify as “fighting against the Arab Nazis!.” When it comes to fighting Nazis, most decent folks will give you a lot of leeway.

Th above post pretty much sums up all of the ugliness. Israel is a fascist state. In fact, it is a classic ethnic nationalist fascist state similar to the Nazi Germany and many other such states. It is also a settler-colonial state similar in many ways to the early US, some early Latin American countries, early Turkey, the new Balkan states of the early 1990′s, early Australia and New Zealand and South Africa. Anywhere where the later immigrants to a state move into an area and commit ethnocide against the natives of the land, it is always settler-colonialism.

Settler-colonialism is ongoing on Tibet and Xinjiang right now. Fascist style ethnic cleansing has also been employed in Arab nationalist states such as Morocco (in Spanish Sahara) and in Syria (Muslim Arabs throwing Christian Arabs off their land) and Iraq (Muslim Arabs throwing Kurds and Christian Arabs off their land while Iranian-Iraqis were actually thrown out of the country and all of their property was stolen)! There is also some very serious “nation-building” and fascist ethnic cleansing going on in the new ultra-nationalist fascist state that the US set up in the Ukraine.

The Arab examples point out that that the Arab nationalist enemies of the Israelis are just as bad as the Israelis themselves. An ethnic nationalist is an ethnic nationalist. A fascist is a fascist.

Sure Iraqi/Syrian Baathists and Israeli Zionists absolutely hate each other and would as soon slit each others’ throats as drink a glass of water, but they have a lot more in common than you might think.

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