Creativity Magazine

The Joy Of Art And Coffee

By Cjc
The Joy Of Art And Coffee

Simply Art and Coffee

Did you ever notice that it’s the simple things that make the most cherished childhood memories? Not the big stuff like getting a bike for Christmas or a trip to Disneyland; but the small stuff, like your Mother laughing in the kitchen.

One of my fondest memories is of my Mother and my step Father chatting over a cup of coffee at the kitchen table. My real Father left when I was three years old, leaving my Mother to raise six kids by herself. Which she did. Which meant, that between her three jobs, I rarely saw her. When I was seven, my step Father did something my real Father was unable to do. He gave me my Mother back. I used to listen to them laughing, making plans and enjoying each others company. Always there was the coffee and my Mother’s beautiful art that hung on the kitchen walls. It was homey and cheerful and everything was well in my small world.

By the time I caught the oil painting bug I was hopelessly addicted to coffee. When I got the urge to paint, I would put the coffee on and lay out my supplies. There I would sit, with a fresh hot cup of coffee and a blank canvas…pure heaven! Before long, the table would be completely cluttered with brushes and paint tubes and muddy jars of turpentine and a half drank luke-warm cup of coffee. Inevitably frustration would set in. There would be nothing left to do but pick up the phone and call my Mother.

“Mom, have you got a minute? I’ve been painting…and I’m stuck.”
“You’ve been starring at it too long,” she’d say. “Pour yourself a cup of coffee and go drink it in the other room. By the time you’re finished drinking it, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to fix it. I’d love to have a look at it next time I come by. All you need is a fresh eye.” That’s the kind of advice to live by. It worked every time.

The walls of our house are adorned with oil paintings. Most of them are my own and some of them are my Mothers work. It’s comfortable and inviting and it feels like home. Many a time I have sat at my kitchen table chatting over coffee with family and friends. Their obvious appreciation of the artwork that surrounds them brings a simple satisfaction. I’ll admit, every once in a while, when the kids are at school; I’ll grab a quiet moment and sit with a cup of coffee and shamelessly admire my own work.

I can’t help myself, so many of my joyful memories seem to be wrapped up in coffee and art. It is the good stuff.

What are your memories tied to?

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Now I am able to offer my artwork on gift items as well at CathysFineArtGiftShop

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Tropical Paradise Mug in Hunter Green by CathysFineArtShop
Make a unique custom mug online at Zazzle.

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