Community Magazine

The IndiePENdents Seal

By Gran13

imageThe indiePENdents Seal #10012269 was issued to Jill Sadowsky for her book, DAVID’S STORY. The book can be found on Smashwords or Amazon Kindle Stores.

‘When we talk to God, it’s called prayer. But, when God talks to us, it’s called schizophrenia.’ by Lily Tomlin.

DAVID’S STORY by Jill Sadowsky is a heartbreaking study of the progress of schizophrenia, destroying not just one life, but making tragic inroads into the lives of every family member. This story gripped me from the first page and i grieved along with the author. Jill Sadowsky’s honest recording of her son’s little understood mental illness is written with sensitivity and compassion, born out of love and pain.

by Dvora Waysman, author.

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