For years Kebabs have been one of the most widely available food item in India. One can find it across the length and breadth of the country, from streets to five stars. However, there are significantly fewer places that understand the nuances of churning out delightful kebabs. One such place is The Great Kebab Factory. We went there for Sunday lunch. The Great Kebab Factory at the Radison Blu Plaza is one of the few restaurants which has been giving its guests, authentic ethnic experience for the past 12 years.
We were welcomed by Ritul, Public Relations and Marketing Director of the Hotel. While entering, I noticed that the restaurant has non-plastered walls with blue and yellow glass lighting on the ceiling, that gave rustic and old world charm feeling. Finally, we settled ourselves and dwelled into conversation with the restaurant manager. We were informed that the restaurant does 450 types of kebabs and the menu changes every day and the Master Chef of the restaurant. Meraj Ul Haque, is from the famous Qureshi family of Lucknow.These startling facts had heightened my expectation and I could no longer wait for the kebabs being served. The first grand entry was the quintessential Galouti kebab which was served with ulte tawe ka paratha. The kebab was tender and simply melted in mouth, that completely justified its name and tradition. There is a fable that goes that Galouti kebab was created for aging Nawab Wajid Ali Shah of Lucknow who had lost his teeth.