According to the feminuts, the definition of sexual harassment is “unwanted sexual advances or attention.”
This crazy daffynition has really taken off among the younger generation. Fully 1/3 of young women now say that winking qualifies as sexual harassment. What about looking? Looking is already sexual harassment if you look at her too long.
The problem is that there is no way to know if sexual attention or advances are unwanted and therefore harassment until you try. Maybe she will like it, maybe she won’t. If she likes it, it’s not harassment. If she doesn’t, you just harassed the poor fragile flower of womanhood.
When “unwanted sexual advances” become illegal, then all flirting is automatically proscribed because you don’t know if it’s going to be harassment or not. The only way to play it safe is to wait for women to come onto you (when Hell freezes over), or just stop flirting altogether.
And indeed we are getting a lot of reports lately about men who have stopped flirting with women altogether for fear of being accused of harassment. Of course, the men who said this were excoriated, tried and sentenced in the Feminist Court of Public Opinion. The most recent one was forced to apologize for hurting the feelings of the perpetually aggrieved weaker sex. So even if you do what the feminuts want and you stop flirting with women altogether, it’s misogynistic hate speech to admit to it! You can’t win with feminists, can you?
Of course this is what the man-hating feminists want, and yes, Feminism is nothing but a hate movement against men.