Politics Magazine

The Foreign Policy Apparatus of the Democratic Party

Posted on the 20 June 2014 by Calvinthedog

The deeply depressing foreign policy of the “liberal” Democratic Party is pretty much summed up by this monstrous woman, the appropriately named Anne-Marie Slaughter. Mrs. Slaughter is often seen in the editorial pages of US papers, usually urging that the US military go drop some bombs on some people’s heads. If Mrs. Slaughter and her diabolical ilk had her way, the US military would be dropping bombs on someone’s head somewhere on Earth every day or at least every week. We would march in and destroy a nation state, leaving horrific anarchic mass slaughters in failed states behind. See Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine.

In her latest mad diatribe she echoes the ghost of Curtis Le May. Have you seen all the chaos in Syria and Iraq, much of it caused directly by the United States? What exactly should the exceptional nation, the City on a Hill, do about this genocidal anarchy it has unleashed, where vicious governments battle bloodthirsty Al Qaeda types.

Why, opines Mrs. Massacre, the proper response is to massively bomb both Syria and Iraq! In Syria we bomb the government because they don’t like our Israeli pals, and in Iraq we bomb the Al Qaeda Frankenstein some mad scientist CIA cooked up in one of their Destabilization Labs. Bomb, bomb, bomb! Bombing is fun.

Bomb bomb bomb we go
Gently through the air
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is yet a bomb!

What is terrifying is that this maniacal woman represents the foreign policy of the supposedly liberal party in the US, the Democrats. She was also, outrageously, head of the American chapter of the Institute for International Law, something she supposedly specializes in. How can Mrs. Slaughter specialize in something she obviously doesn’t even believe in?

Mrs. Massacre served in a very high position in the State Department under Hilary Clinton where she was always plotting to drop a bomb on someone or other’s head. She is a former dean of Princeton University, where she got into a lot of trouble during the Bush years because she kept inviting the worst reactionary Bush Administration members and their supporters to speak at the university. The students rose up in protest. Massacre countered that, among other things, the Bush Administration was now in power, and, you know, foreign policy folks simply support whichever administration is in power.

She makes an excellent point. The Foreign Policy Apparatus of the US State in the State Department, the Pentagon, the National Security Council, the CIA and the DIA never really change as new administrations move in and out. These people, collectively, and their co-conspirators in the media and academia such as Mrs. Massacre, constitute what is best known as “The Deep State.”

The Deep State and its goals never really change. The word is that every President is afraid to go against them because they run the government, and if you go against them, you supposedly end up with a bullet in your head like JFK. JFK absolutely hated the CIA for some very good reasons and he was dying to clip their wings and curtail their power any way he could. The argument is that if you fuck with the CIA, the CIA will kill you.

Hence from Democrats to Republicans, US foreign policy, which is really just US imperialism or the policy of the US Empire, never changes all that much. The basic goals are the same, the friends and enemies are all the same. The only differences is the tactics. The Republicans are utterly over the top, wild warmongering scary kook imperialists always screaming to bomb or attack this or that enemy du jour.

The Democrats, on the other hand, prefer softer power such as the use of proxies armies like Baby Al Qaedas, Nazis, fascists, death squads, separatist insurgencies, warlords and tribal militias against the enemies of America. Sanctions, threats and economic warfare replace full-throttle screaming, yelling, shooting and bombing. But there’s not a lot of difference. The Republicans are just the Democrats in a manic psychosis and the Democrats are just the Republicans on lithium, still evil to the core but at least subdued so they seem somewhat civilized.

To sum up:

Anne-Marie Slaughter is the poster child for the foreign policy of the “liberal” Democratic Party.

Anne-Marie Slaughter is a warmongering imperial maniac.

The foreign policy of the Democratic Party is one of warmongering imperial maniacs.

There’s “liberalism” for ya!

PS, I am sure Louis Proyect and other Trotskyites have a special place in their hearts for folks like Anne-Marie “Humanitarian Bomber” Slaughter.

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