Books Magazine

The Fool’s Challenge–Day 7: Sayings/Phrases

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922
FoolsChallengeFoolsChallenge_topics hosted by Parajunkee Day 7: Fun phrases and sayings you’ve picked up from books. 1. Frex/Frexing. I just caught myself thinking, “That’s frexing ridiculous..” the other night after finishing the Across the Universe trilogy by Beth Revis.
2. Hangry. I haven’t actually used it, but I love it because I get really mad when I’m hungry, like the main character in Cracked by Eliza Crewe.
3. Everything from The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I find myself quoting from either the book or the movie all the time. “Inconceivable!” “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” “As you wish!”
4. May the odds be ever in your favor. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Aren’t we all saying that whenever it fits in context??
Honestly, I quote and use sayings from movies and shows far more often than I do books. Mainly because I read so fast and no one ever reads the same books so I have no one to use these phrases with! With movies and shows, I see them with my husband and we quote them all of the time. I can probably pull a Family Guy quote for just about any situation, too.

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