Fitness Magazine

The First Step to Changing Your Body Shape

By Pamela Brown

Body Shaping 101: It’s Time For a Truth Moment

body image, body confidence, self-esteem


Would you believe that the first step to getting and keeping your dream body doesn’t come from exercise?  Or the next big diet?  Guess what the first step is in creating the kind of body you are proud of….


Your attitude towards your body

In other words, your beliefs, self-esteem (view of yourself), your level of persistence, and your attitude towards your body AND yourself.

Your thoughts lead to your beliefs;

Your beliefs lead to your lifestyle behaviors and choices;

So, how you think about yourself is crucial to the body you create.

Change Your Mindset for Success

How do you change your mindset?  Ask yourself:

  1. What beliefs do you hold about your body?
  2. How do you feel about your personal health?
  3. What do you do to practice self-care?  This includes anything you do to increase and maintain your health and overall personal happiness.
  4. How would you feel if you never created or maintained a comfortable body weight or body?  Where are these feelings and beliefs coming from?
  5. How would NOT creating a fit healthy body hinder you from being happy, comfortable in your skin, and living life to the fullest?
  6. What are other ways of reacting to NOT creating the type of body you want to maintain?
  7. Write down some positive statements about yourself and repeat them daily.  A suggestion I like to make to clients is to remember what is good about them.  I aim to help my clients learn their strengths and use them in their affirmations.  For instance:

“Even though I haven’t reached my dream weight, I am still a talented coach; I’m adored; I’m an encourager; I bring smiles to people’s faces; and I help clients develop into the kind of person they want to become each day.”



No matter what your body shape, you are still who you are on the inside; you are still lovable and attractive.  Think about the positive people that are in your life; see yourself as they see you- but own it.



Ask important others around you (that you trust) what good qualities you possess and why they feel you possess those qualities; this exercise is sometimes enough to see why you are significant and good, regardless of body shape.



Take the challenge- what’s good about you and why?  Feel free to leave your answers in the comments section below




For those of you that want AFFORDABLE fitness coaching…



If you or someone you know over 35 is interested in body-shaping fitness coaching that all my private and VIP clients get (but at an affordable rate) then consider joining my Fitness Breakthrough Coaching Program!  Dedicated to weight loss challenges for women over 35, you will receive:


  • A monthly, pre-made total-body exercise program
  • Sample meal plans
  • Access to tools and trackers to measure performance and progress
  • Three, 45-minute coaching calls per month dedicated to nutrition basics, exercise program design, mindset, hormone balance, body confidence, weight loss, and more!
  • At least 3 articles a month dedicated to self-development, fitness, and nutrition
  • 30-day “fitness breakthrough” goal-setting and planning sessions (personalized coaching)
  • Weekly motivation and inspiration from Pamela Brown
  • Access to private forum for all coaching clients to support and motivate each other!
  • Recommended readings on self-improvement, fitness, weight loss, and nutrition from Pamela Brown
  • Other surprises from Pamela Brown!


If you want to get the same weight loss strategies that my private one-on-one clients get but at a fraction of the price that they pay, then add your name to my mailing list below so that you will be the first to know!



Dedicated to your success,

Pamela Brown

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