Creativity Magazine
Oh, no! If I don't respond to this mailing from Publishers Clearing House, I will no longer be in the running for ONE MILLION DOLLARS plus five thousand dollars a week FOR LIFE!
So, here I am, rustling through pages and pages of enticing offers in search of the proper stamps to affix to the entry form, not to mention playing sticker bingo for some additional pay out other.I hate it when I do this -- when I allow myself to imagine that I might win this incredible prize. Of course, a million dollars isn't what it used to be . . . and five thousand a week is pocket change to America's CEOs.But still, one can dream... some off the top to various charities. repairs on our house, a new roof on the rent house, new fencing, some serious brush cutting and tree trimming (not THE tree,) help the kids pay off mortgages, student loans, car loans...I resist buying any of their stuff . . . even the Wax Vac Ear Cleaner . . .
The kittehs think I should order the Leopard Design Cat Tunnel but I am firm...
I'll never get back that time spent licking stamps and sifting through all the directions.. Nor the 42 cents. But somehow, it's worth it to have the brief fantasy.