During this incident while teaching in Watts described here where I was letting the kids out of class, I think I really tried to put a stop to this bullshit for a while. You have to understand that this was 30 years ago, and I don’t remember the incident clearly. After it became obvious that the first ones I let out were not coming back, I started denying requests to leave. This usually boils down to “I have to pee! You’re going to make me pee my pants!” Especially from girls. Some of them will start crying. Others will say what an evil teacher you are for making her pee her pants.
This day in Watts, after denying a number of requests to leave, at some point, they would just stand up and say that they were leaving, and they didn’t care if I would not let them go. I would protest, but then they would just walk to the door and go out. I think I even yelled into the hall after a couple.
I may or may not have tried to stop some of them physically from leaving the class, but that’s almost always a terrible situation that you never want to be in because then there is inevitable physical contact between teacher and student.
This either leads to some sort of a physical fight or really ugly scene, or if you succeed in pushing them away, it often leads to a molestation charge against you. Girls will say “He grabbed my breasts while he pretended to push me away. While he was pushing me away, he was rubbing my pussy.” Stuff like that. Kids file false molestation charges against teachers all the time and it’s really nightmarish.
The teacher has to go before the administration, is pulled out of classes for at least a few days, and often has to confront one or more angry parents the day after the file. I’ve known teachers who got fired over this stuff. The administration almost always sides with the kids against the teacher, especially if the administrators are Black and the teacher is White. Revenge time.
A friend of mine was teaching 5th grade and a whole class just rebelled and made for the door to try to bust out in the middle of class. My friend ran to the door and blockaded the door. If you let them out in the middle of class you end up with students wandering around unsupervised during class time, which is a big scene and the teacher usually gets into big trouble. Also there are legal issues because the kids are unsupervised.
Well he blocked the door, but he got swarmed by ~10-15 10 year old girls who were very angry. They were all over the teacher trying to overwhelm him and get out of the door. He just kept pushing them back. This went for a few minutes until the teacher won the war. The teacher shows up the next morning and the hall was full of parents who he’d never seen before who look like they wanted to kill him on the spot. My friend was like, “WTF! This is Twilight Zone.” Then this Black Vice Principal invites him into the front office and says, “We need to talk to you.” He walks in and all these Black administrators look at him suspiciously.
He goes into the Veep’s room and she shuts the door. My friend is baffled. “What the Hell is this all about?” He honestly has no idea of what was going on. The Veep says that fifteen 5th grade girls from that class all said you molested them by trying to feel their breasts.
My friend says, “That’s impossible! They don’t even have breasts! There’s nothing to feel!”
Then he points to the Black admin’s tits and says, “Now those are breasts. What those little girls have are not even called breasts. I don’t know what they are called.”
Then the teacher explains what happened and says he was just pushing them away not even thinking about where he was pushing them. He says he could have pushed some away in the breast area, but it would have been accidentally because he was just pushing and wasn’t thinking about where, and they didn’t even have breasts anyway.
I think he lost his job.
All of the accusers were Black and Hispanic girls.
My Dad also got accused of molesting by a 13 year old Black girl when as a substitute teacher he tried to break up a fight between her and another girl. He put his hand on her shoulder but she said he grabbed her breasts. The girl’s Mom was this very militant Black, head of the local NAACP, and she made a great big stinkeroo out of this mess and went after my father. I forget the conclusion but I think he was allowed to continue teaching but not at that school anymore.
I have heard of a few more cases too. The accused is always a male teacher of course. This has gotten so bad that even though I have a Teaching Credential, I am afraid to use it because of this terrifying situation. I don’t even think I want to go into a classroom these days.
Kids are really evil these days. I figure for every real teacher molestation charge, there are 5-10 false ones. We have handed these diabolical little shits a nuclear weapon and they are abusing it gleefully.