Politics Magazine

The Enemy Is Populism

Posted on the 29 May 2016 by Calvinthedog

From a friend of mine:

It is obvious to me the two forces which (justifiably or not) fear a Trump presidency the most are the Robert Kagan Jewish neocons (he just wrote another attack piece) and the “small government free-trading business conservative oligarchs.”

It’s not so much the Jews as it is the neocons. Neoconservatism is nothing more than the foreign policy (ramped up US imperialism) of the US elite. Hillary is a neocon. Bernie Sanders is a neocon. The only one who is not a neocon is Trump and that is why they hate him so much. Before that was the rightwing populist Pat Buchanan who also rejected neoconservatism.

Those “Robert Kagan Jewish neocons” are nothing more than the people who run US foreign policy right now, except that they are not all Jews. The Gentiles are all like this too. Hillary was a neocon Secretary of State. Now John Kerry is a neocon Secretary of State. They represent both the Republican and Democratic Parties, with the wilder neocons in the Republican Party and the less wild but still very dangerous ones in the Democratic Party.

Obama has always been a bit dubious of this sort of thing, but he has been captured by his advisors.

Of all of the Presidential candidates, only Trump has gone against neoconservatism and even realism, both of which are internationalist, interventionist and imperialist projects. Trump is pushing good old fashioned rightwing populist isolationism, which was once very popular back in the 1930’s. Pat Buchanan was also pushing something somewhat similar. Trump is not ideal in terms of a noninterventionism and isolationism, but he’s pushing the most nationalist and anti-internationalist foreign policy of any Presidential candidate  in recent memory. One would have to go back to the 1930’s to find anything similar.

The domestic policy of the elite is free trade austerity neoliberalism. On this, the parties do not differ much either as both the Republican Democratic Establishments are committed to this project. The Republicans are simply a lot more vicious about it, while the Democrats wish to retain some protections for the workers and poor who are ruined by Democratic free trade austerity economics.

The alternative is populism or nationalism, a project that puts America and its workers, consumers and environment first, ahead of the interests  of the rich and the corporations. It’s pretty much People Before Profits. Really no one in the Democratic Party supports this except Bernie Sanders. This is exactly what Sanders is pushing.

Trump is also pushing a sort of populism and nationalism, but his is a rightwing nationalist populism, while Bernie’s is a leftwing nationalist populism. Trump rejects or pretends to reject free trade austerity neoliberalism, and this is he real reason why the Republican Establishment was up in arms over him. He’s out to overturn a good part of their ideology that they have built up since Reagan.

Buchanan’s rightwing populist project was pushing something similar, and that’s why the elite was so up in arms over Buchanan too.

This is all really a battle between the populist nationalists and the aristocratic internationalists.

Both parties have committed themselves to an anti-populist, pro-elite internationalism that is catastrophic in terms of its devastation US workers, consumers, ordinary people and the environment. Trump and Sanders both represent populist and somewhat nationalist rebellions of the workers, consumers, ordinary people and environmentalists who have been screwed over by the pro-1% internationalists of both parties for 25 years now.

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