Destinations Magazine

The Endurance Tour of Historical Dublin

By Thedublindiary @TheDublinDiary
Two of my greatest passions in life have been brought together thanks to the team in The Hurdy Gurdy Museum in Howth. If you don't know what The Hurdy Gurdy Museum is check it out here. On Saturday 27th of April the very knowledgable folks from Martello Tower No 2 will lead us through the streets of Dublin sharing tales from the past. Along the way they'll stop at a number of pubs whose historical significance will be explained and we'll wash all that history down with some fine Tom Crean's Lager from The Dingle Brewing Company (all the pubs visited on the tour sell Tom Creans)
The Endurance Tour of Historical Dublin
The tour will start in The Brazen Head on Bridge Street before making it's way to Smithfield and The Cobblestone. It'll stay north-side for a while, visiting The Church, before making it's way south-side again for stops in The Brewery Lane and Farringtons. Then it's on to O'Neills on Suffolk Street. There'll be a pit stop near Bruxelles with chances to visit  Neary's and Sheehan's before the tour ends near the Wolfe Tone monument in Kennedy's on Westland Row... phew!

The Endurance Tour of Historical Dublin

The different stops on the tour. An app is also in the process of being released.
Keep an eye on the blog for more information. 

The organizers take pains to point out that the aim of the tour is not to get anyone drunk more so to provide a forum for learning about the city. They've packed so much information into this tour we'll need the odd sip of Tom Creans to help digest it all!
The Endurance Tour of Historical Dublin

The tour will take us from the origins of Dublin as a Viking city through to the Norman period then on to the introduction of Christianity and the Reformation before moving on to more recent historical events such as the golden age of Dublin when it was the Empire's second city. I'm sure the team will also squeeze in something about their own home in the Martello Tower in Howth!
Will you be able to endure the tour? Fair enough, it's not exactly the endurance faced by Tom Crean on his epic adventure but you are warned to wear comfy shoes! At least we'll have some of his namesake lager to help us on our journey!
The tour begins at The Brazen Head at 3pm on Saturday 27th of April. The team will be using the hashtag #endurance to update people via Twitter as to the whereabouts of the group, if you want to join at any stage you are welcome to do so. The tour is free and requires no booking, just turn up! Who will I see there?
The Endurance Tour of Historical Dublin

Incidentally, if you can't make the tour why not visit the gang out in Howth? An interesting quirky little museum with fantastic staff.
The Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio
Abbey St (Entrance opposite The Abbey Tavern)
Co Dublin
086 815 4189
For more information on the Endurance Tour check out their blog

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