Lifestyle Magazine

The Elite: David Fielden Interview

By Claire

David’s cat­walk shows never fail to cre­ate a buzz in the wed­ding indus­try, and his 2012 cat­walk with its theme of urban decay — with the del­i­cate sub­text of love over­com­ing hard­ship — was no exception.

The Elite: David Fielden interview

David Fielden: The Elite: an interview

I asked David to share a lit­tle insight into his col­lec­tion, his inspi­ra­tion and his designs.

David, your bridal cat­walks always cause a stir: this year’s Urban Destruc­tion theme was espe­cially thought-provoking. Is there a phi­los­o­phy behind the styling of your events?

We live in an intran­sient time, with world affairs effect­ing our every­day deci­sions. So I wanted to cap­ture that feel­ing and show that love will always win out.”

Your gowns have a very unique style. How is a David Fielden gown born… do you sched­ule time to sketch ideas, or does inspi­ra­tion come when you least expect it to?

My inspi­ra­tion comes from every­thing around me. I have a great inter­est in all the arts. My back­ground was in dance and the­ater. This is what affects my thoughts and ideas.”

The Elite: David Fielden interview

What does it take to be a top UK bridal designer? Would you ever con­sider a dif­fer­ent career?

“Total com­mit­ment to one’s vision. I stud­ied dance and I chore­o­graphed and designed own bal­lets so if I was not a fash­ion designer that is what I would like to return to.”

Talk me through your lat­est col­lec­tion / designs. Which is your favorite and why?

My favorite part of the col­lec­tion was the open­ing sec­tion of my Milan 2012 show where tra­di­tional fab­rics were used to rein­ter­pret sil­hou­ette and shape giv­ing an edge to the collection.”

What should we expect from David Fielden for the rest of this decade… or do you aim to delight and sur­prise the wed­ding indus­try no mat­ter what our expectations?

I work in the busi­ness to cre­ate new and excit­ing ideas, both in the design of dresses and in the way I get my vision into the pub­lic domain. I cer­tainly hope that this will always excite and cre­ate a buzz around my brand.”

David Fielden 2012 Sposa collection

I have one last David Fielden treat for you today. Your chance to get a designer wed­ding dress for less than £250 — with an exclu­sive dis­count code for Eng­lish Wed­ding blog readers.

David Fielden discount offer

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