Oh, there will also be bars serving cocktails the whole days.So where there is booze, there will be small eats. PS ,finger foods or bite sized entrées or appetisers or tapas are called small eats here in the army and navy messes. So there are slated to be tapas, with a desi twist ...to suit all palettes.
You only need to pay for the food and the booze you and yours consume.All the activities,workshops,games,demonstrations or sessions are included in your ticket.

"The Perks of being a Food Blogger" -a small hamper from home bakers ,COO -Country of Origin, with the dreamiest Dulce de Leche Brownie , a hazelnut Brownie, White chocolate muffin and a Belgian Chocolate Muffin-that was liberally laced with ground hazelnuts.And stuffed dates from Aura .Thank you for the love💕💕💕

Not a very impressive picture, I know.But that's all I had time for before it was torn open and devoured.Boys!
So block the dates ,12th and 13th December,2015 and join the food festival at the The Eat India Company Fest.
See you there!
So what are you doing over this weekend?