Note: EAR-ONS, the East Area Rapist-Original Night Stalker, now known as the Golden State Killer, has finally been arrested due to a DNA hit. He was arrested at the Citrus Heights home he had been living in for the last 38 years. He was committing homicides during six of those years – from 1980-1986. This is also the time that his first and second daughters were born.
He was found due to a DNA hit. He was not turned in by his family, nor was he found due to a tip. LE had only been looking at him in the last six days. The put him under surveillance and obtained two discarded samples of his DNA. This usually means he drank something somewhere and then tossed the container. The best sample was found when he was shopping at a local hardware store.
He was taken into custody without incident. He is talking. He has admitted to also being the Visalia Ransacker, which was always a theory of mine. When taken into custody, he protested, “But I lived a good life. I threw him out long ago.” The reference is to his killer alter ego. Many killers have killer alter egos who reside in them like a second personality. Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and many others had these killer alter egos inside of them. The killers often addressed the killer alters as if they were another personality residing in the killer.
His name is Joseph DeAngelo and he is a former police officer. He worked for the Exeter Police Department from 197 3-1975. He was ransacking homes as the Visalia Ransacker the entire time. Finally he was nearly caught after burglarizing a home. He shot out a flashlight of a detective who was pursuing him. This detective worked in Visalia, a short drive away from where DeAngelo was working in Exeter at the time. The risk of being caught was too great.
It was after this incident that he left the police department, moved to another area and changed his appearance by losing a lot of weight. He then moved to the Sacramento area where he worked for the Auburn Police Department from 1976-1979. He was raping women as the East Area Rapist right in the same area where he was working as a police officer the entire time.
In 1979 he was arrested for shoplighting a hammer and a can of dog repellent from a store. He used these items in his crimes. He was fired from the police force after being convicted of shoplifting. In EAR’s crimes, the dogs were usually disabled in some way or another, possibly with the dog repellent. He probably sprayed it on his body also, as people said he had an odd smell about him. Also tracking dogs acted very strange around his scent.
He often broke into homes before he raped the woman, leaving ropes and learning the layout of the home before he came back later to rape. He knew all about his victims, where they worked, the names of their husbands and boyfriends, the names of the children, everything. He had a tiny penis. He spoke through clenched teeth and breathed with deep gasping breaths. He typically wore a ski mask.
He taunted many of his victims with phone calls for years after raping them. When victims changed phone numbers, he seemed to figure it out very quickly. He cut the phone lines every time he broke in. He was an expert burglar and he spent a lot of time ransacking the homes after he raped the woman, sometimes stealing a few items. He would often prepare a meal or watch TV.
The woman or couple could hear him talking to himself much of the time, often muttering. In a number of cases, two separate voices were heard. Also, in some cases, while EAR-ONS was inside the home, doorbells rang, people pounded on doors, phones rang and people honked outside the building. This has led many to believe that he had an accomplice. The murders of the Maggiores in Sacramento in 1978 were said to have been committed by EAR-ONS and a second man who has never been identified. I believe he may well have had an accomplice.
His getting fired from the police department may have angered him because he started killing soon after that. From then on, he always murdered in every attack, never leaving anyone alive. These crimes were committed in Ventura County, Goleta, Dana Point and Irvine, all in Southern California. The stories surrounding these crimes are some of the creepiest and craziest of them all.
Neighbors described him as a rage-aholic who was angry most of the time. He was often his yard swearing and yelling. You could hear him yelling even a few houses down inside your house. He was often yelling at his girls. He got into several confrontations with neighbors – one over mowing her lawn in her backyard. He told her she was making too much noise.
People said that during his rage attacks he often seemed to be having a conversation with another person, but he was the only one there. The rage attacks finally calmed down in the last six years. Parents who lived near him would not let their kids play with his daughters because of their fathers’ behavior.
His wife claims to have divorced in 1999, but other sources say that they are still married, though they have been estranged for 19 years. The wife is a local attorney and appears to be a real piece of work herself – a real nasty person. She seems to have been a perfect match for him. There is a scathing review from a former client on Yelp that leaves a damning impression of the wife.
The rest of the post is a repost from my 2012 post on the subject.
Voice recording from the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker.
His known criminal career ranged from 1976-1986, though he was also the Visalia Ransacker active in Visalia in 1974. The Ransacker also committed a homicide.
The EAR mostly just raped, but he did kill one couple who were out for a walk in the Sacramento area. The crimes began with a rape spree in the Sacramento area in 1976-78. Then he moved his area of operation to Modesto, Davis and the Bay Area for more attacks in 1978-79.
During his wild spree in the Sacramento area, community meetings were held. He apparently went to at least one of these community meetings and sat in the audience. We know this because a man spoke at the meeting and said, “What kind of man would sit back and let his wife get raped like that without doing something about it?”
Nine months later, this man and his wife were attacked in their home. The man was tied up, and the woman was bound and raped. EAR was at the meeting, and somehow he knew who the man was or he followed him home from the meeting. Creepy!
He left the Sacramento area after two composites were released of possible attackers in the killing of the couple out for a walk, so those composites are probably good. He was 18-29 years old when he started.
He may have been in the military at the time of the original rapes. He drove a dark colored VW.
His career as EAR ended when he moved to Southern California in 1979 where he turned into the Original Night Stalker and escalated to homicides of both males and females in the Santa Barbara and Irvine/Laguna Niguel area from 1979-1986. In a number of these cases, via prowling, he noticed a couple having sex. Then he quickly broke in and blitzed them while they were having sex. In these later homicides, he tied people with ligatures but removed the ligatures before he left to remove evidence. During this phase, he was ~21-~38 years old.
He was still on the loose as of 1991, when the extremely creepy voice recording recording above was made. The recording is of the suspect making a taunting call to one of his original EAR rape victims who survived. He made these calls to several of his previous victims, but this is the only one that was left on an answering machine. The drawing at the beginning of the video is how he looked in his attacks. The gritted teeth are correct because he typically spoke through gritted teeth. At the time of the phone call, he was probably ~28-~45 years old.
The EAR MO was to stalk and maybe even burglarize in the area and gain a great deal of intelligence about the victims through break-ins and prowling. He often targeted areas that had homes for sale. He probably looked at a couple of homes for sale, posing as a prospective buyer and/or a fake real estate agent.
He would later return to the area, sometimes by vehicle, sometimes on a bicycle, and sometimes on foot. Attacks were typically made next to an open area from which he could make his escape. Telephone lines were usually cut before entering. The woman was bound with special knots and raped over a period ranging over up to three hours.
During this period, she would be raped, sodomized and forced to have oral sex. He also wandered the house, eating and drinking items from the fridge. He wandered in and out of the house, eating and drinking, apparently looking for people to come home. He ransacked through the house, only taking a few items of value.
If a male was in the house, he was bound and gagged and placed on the bed face down with a plate on his back and told that if he moved, he would die. At some point, he left, but the victim often could not tell when he left because he was wandering around so much. It often took the woman half an hour or so to get free of her bonds and get help, and by that time, he was long gone.
In some cases, he was seen fleeing and pursued, but he always got away somehow. One time police saw him on a bicycle with a ski mask and pursued him, but he escaped once again.
Several composites were made, but unfortunately, they do not look much alike. The original attacks were by a young White male aged 18-25, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes, 5’11 tall, muscled but with a thin body like a swimmer. He favored military green clothing but had a wide variety of clothes that he wore. He always wore tennis shoes with a herringbone pattern. He used a new ski mask in every crime and sometimes made his own masks. He had a wide variety of handguns and knives which he used in his attacks.
He committed over 50 rapes and 13 homicides.
He was very, very good. Good at what he did that is, one of the best. One of the best at getting away with his evil crimes. He’s one sick man all right though.
This site is an excellent resource on this master criminal.