Politics Magazine

“The Difference Between Antifeminism in the West and Antifeminism in India,” by Magneto

Posted on the 09 November 2016 by Calvinthedog

The Difference between Antifeminism in the West and Antifeminism in India

by Magneto

There is a huge antifeminism movement in both the Western world and India. But are they the same? After having extensive contact with both movements, I can say definitely that they are not the same.

Men in the West who are antifeminists are basically just demanding equal laws in divorce and custody rights, and this is a completely fair demand to make. It shows how sick a lot of Western women are because many Western women think it’s perfectly okay to destroy a man’s life in divorce court.

Whereas antifeminism in India means a very different thing. There is a smaller subset of MRA’s in India who are only demanding equal laws in divorce courts, but the majority of Indian men who are part of the antifeminism movement have a different demand. In India they are basically demanding a continuation of the backwards, regressive Hindu culture which has literally enslaved women for thousands of years.

On a side note, there is evidence that there was a period in Ancient India where sex was openly practiced and there was no shame or guilt surrounding sex. Sex was considered something spiritual and had certain spiritual practices attached to it called tantra. Modern-day “Satanism” is actually rooted in these ancient tantric practices, and it was considered “White Magic” due to its healing ability. Modern-day “Satanism” is just some pathetic perversion of these ancient hidden practices. If you’re interested in spiritual stuff, it is well worth it to take the time to google and study the two terms “tantra” and “kundalini”.

Anyway, most Indian MRA’s are demanding that women remain as slaves to their husbands. So there is a huge difference between simply wanting fair divorce laws and wanting that women should remain enslaved. And this is just more proof that anything Indians touch turns to shit.

The antifeminism movement in the West is growing tremendously due to how badly men have been treated in divorce courts and how badly boys have been treated in the educational system. These are all fair and rational demands. I don’t know of any Western MRA’s who are demanding that women should become enslaved or anything like that. Men in the West are sick and tired of their wives being able to divorce them on a whim and then destroy them financially by stealing their house, car, assets, incomes, etc in divorce court as well as destroying them emotionally by stealing their kids from them and denying them any custody or visitation rights.

Unfortunately, most women in the West are so brainwashed by feminism that they believe men’s demands for fair and just divorce laws and true equality is the same as the backwards sexism of the older cultures. In the West women are so brainwashed and screwed up by feminism that if you demand that divorce courts should have fair laws they think you are an evil chavinistic pig who wants to enslave women. And this is proof that Western women do not want true equality.

In a truly equal society, women would pay alimony/child support 50% of the time, and 50% of custody time would go towards the father. Instead we have a society where women are so privileged that they get alimony, child support, and custody 90 percent of the time.

Or how about university admissions? Something like 65% of university students are women. Why aren’t feminists demanding that 50% of students be men and 50% be women? After all, that would be equality, right?

Or how about the military draft? Funny how feminists never demanded, not even once, that women should also be required to register for the military draft.

So as you can see, the real sexist bigots in the Western world are the majority of Western women who do support not gender equality but female supremacism. In this way, Western women are no different from Indian men because Indian men are also sexist pigs who support male supremacism. Western women and Indian men are simply two sides of the same coin.

For the world to progress, Indian men need to be willing to evolve and come to terms with the concept of equality. Western women also need to be willing to come to terms with the concept of equality because for far too long Western women have enjoyed a privileged position in society. Until Western women are willing to humble themselves and be ready to embrace true equality, no change will come in the West either.

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