Politics Magazine

The Democratic Party Is the Suicide Left and It Deserves to Lose

Posted on the 14 November 2016 by Calvinthedog

The Israeli Right calls the Israeli Left “the Suicide Left.” Now I happen to like the Israeli Left a lot, but they may have a point. Their point is that the Israeli Left is trying to get us killed. So if the option is vote Left and get killed or vote for some fash like Sharon or Netanyahu and stay alive, a lot of basically decent people will vote fash. This is how a lot of non-fascists vote for fascist-type parties and leaders. Hell, if voting fash meant saving my life, I might just vote fascist myself, and I hate fascists!

I now believe that the US Democratic Party is the “Suicide Left” of America. They just don’t get it. I think what is going on here is that the party has been taken over by wealthy and upper middle class professionals on both coasts. The Republican Party is also represented by these types, among others. The Left and Right upper middle class professionals on the coast claim to hate each other, but they share the same class interests. Both are utterly out of touch with the working classes. These Democrats are well-to-do suit and tie types who only talk to others of their class and ilk. Incredibly, when a well-known liberal columnist interviewed a White working class Trump voter to see how he felt, he had to make up an imaginary person because apparently he didn’t know any actual working class people!

In other words, the Democratic Party is completely out of touch. Sure, the TPP was going to royally screw 90% of the country, but 10% were going to make out great. Guess who those 10% were? Those well to do upper middle class professionals on the coasts, including the entire leadership of the Democratic Party! Of course they push these crappy trade deals. They’re making lots of money off of them. What about the other 90% of Americans? Well, the Hell with them. If it’s not your ox getting gored, most people could care less what happens to you.

The entire Democratic Party has been sold on free trade madness. Go over to Daily Kos, the home of the left wing of the Democratic Party (the base). There’s article after article about how this election proves how racist and sexist and homophobic and transphobic and awful White people, oops I mean Americans, are. That’s what this whole election was all about. White Supremacy. White folks bein’ raciss again. Were there any other issues at play? Of course not.

Please understand that Kos is 100% free trader as far as I can tell. The left wing of the Democratic Party is hardcore freetrader! They never met a trade deal they didn’t love. There’s not one single article on trade over there right now, and I’m not sure when or if you will see another one. It is just not discussed. Occasionally in the comments someone will remark about these lousy trade deals, and “liberal Democrats” will rush over and bombard this person with attacks. According to them, the trade deals had nothing to do with working class job losses in Middle America. It was all automation! This is a complete lie, and actually, that is a very neoliberal, freemarketeer line. So the left wing of the Democratic Party is made up of neoliberals, freemarketeers and freetraders.

Every now and then you see tiny bits about trade. All they say is that Trump’s anti-free trade plans are going to be horrible for US workers. Like those Carrier Air Conditioning folks. Trump’s anti-free trade policies are going to throw millions of people like that out of work. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like crap to me. In other words, we cannot go back on free trade. Not one step back. In another article, it said that US trade policy definitely needed some tweaks (Like what?), but we cannot succumb to protectionism.

It ought to be clear now that Americans have had it up to here with mass immigration in all forms, legal, illegal, and all of the myriad fake guest worker programs. On Daily Kos, if you criticize illegal immigration even one time, you are banned forever. We cannot criticize those Holy illegal aliens, Gods among men!

The other day I saw a comment that said something like, “Hey look, don’t you think we need to do something about mass immigration, illegal immigration and especially these fake guest workers like H-1B’s?” They piled all over him, beating the crap out of him. On Daily Kos, apparently even attacking guest worker scab programs is verboten. Sure, they throw Americans out of high paying jobs and give them to job-stealing 3rd World scabs, but so what? Don’t you realize that these guest workers are those wonderful people called immigrants? All immigrants are Holy People! They are Godlike! We must worship at their feet!

The Democratic Party just doesn’t get it. They are dead-set on free trade crap and neoliberal economics. They’re free-trading freemarketeers. And they will not budge one inch on the insane immigration issue because muh racism. What they offer in place of any pro-worker project is endless Identity Politics screeds. Go to Daily Kos and scroll down the page. It’s: Racism! Sexism! Homophobia! Transphobia! Stop White Supremacy! Black Lives Matter! Up with Black People! Up with Mexicans! Down with Whites! White People Suck!

The Democratic Party is the goddamned Suicide Left. The reactionaries under Trump will completely destroy the country, but it will in part be the fault of the Suicide Left who handed it over to them. The same thing happened in the 1920’s and 1930’s when the German Communist Party attacked the German Social Democratic Party, calling them “social fascists,” sort of like how the SJW’s attack everyone not Cultural Left enough, calling them reactionaries and fascists. This idiotic infighting played a strong role in handing the country to the Nazis. And once again, we see an insane, tone-deaf, suicidal Left playing a a major role in handing the country over to a fascist movement.

The Democratic Party is the Suicide Left. They deserve to lose!

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