Politics Magazine

“The Decline of the West”: A Message to Europeans

Posted on the 25 May 2013 by Calvinthedog

This post was written by an anonymous Iranian, who is giving me permission to run it here.

Don’t worry guys… it will take a few decades before the West disappears. Maybe genetic engineering will mitigate the effects of demographic minority, I.E non-whites engineering their kids to be white.

Also non-White immigration is about 35-44% of all immigration. Half of all immigration is from other EU-states (Whites), some of the immigration is from White countries or part White countries outside of the EU (Eastern Europe, Whites from the Anglosphere, Latin Americans, White Latin Americans). The largest immigrant groups according to statistics are Poles, Turks, Romanians and Moroccans. Immigration from Muslim countries like Turkey, Morocco has pretty much ended, save for family reunification and spouse marriage. The latter would be mitigated if not for xenophobia and social segregation, that is, if more Europeans married foreigners, the foreign demographic would disappear – call that genetic assimilation. And the recent recession has slowed down immigrant waves considerably. Some immigrants are actually returning via reparation programs to their home countries. Money remittances from host countries to home countries of immigrants have been reduced.

Right now the biggest immigrant group is Romanians.

So if Europeans want to survive, get poorer. The poorer you get, the more likely immigrants won’t come. These demographic trends are supported by all think tanks and research institutions operating in Europe, including the EU’s own statistical bureau.

You guys still have time, since half of the immigration is composed of returning citizens and citizens from other EU states. So what you guys can do is make your countries poorer, or topple the neocon, liberal-conservative fakes and install ethnic nationalists instead. Then you can return to a predominantly White demographic.

The problem in today’s world for all the ethnic-nationalists is keeping a competitive workforce and trading on a global market while still a maintaining demographic majority for their own group.

Whites don’t deserve to disappear. But if they don’t stop their leaders from trying to rule and destroy the world and in effect their own countries, and promoting globalism, the consequence will be that Whites will lose demographic majority in their own countries. But who knows, maybe as capital shifts elsewhere, Europe will be abandoned by economic immigrants. Latin America and Africa which have GDP growth in the 5-10% span are already beginning to experience global immigration.

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