Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

The Darkness...

By Misslara16 @misslara
Its so thick, as thick as cloth, thick and confounding it makes me feel like there is nothing  left to be done, it feels like its too late to be redeemed. Its dark and scary, cold and dreary: its fear! Raw Raw fear, fear of what may or may not  happen. I'm fearful will I loose it all?
This darkness is so dark, its force reeling me in one step at a time,one move at a time I feel me go in deeper, It's intensity clouding my soul, my sight and my other senses at this point I can barely see. This darkness is so dark its forces yelling curse words at me yet the curses feel endearing, uncomfortably endearing, its reprobate yet it feels so right.
Now, I am here in this void its different and I need a way out of here I need it now but wait how do I get out I walked in here into this intense darkness it felt really nice when the lights started to go off.  Now, all I want is the light that was once here in this place, which is now an empty space, a dark, hopeless and empty place.
We feel like this lots of time in our lives we feel like our life is just this huge empty dark place where we can see nothing happen, we don't get it and its driving us nuts... you don't have to let your situation drive you crazy or get you depressed. I would have loved to tell you to stand up to your situation and hold your head high etc. I would have loved share; if only there was a pep-talk that could take away this intense confounding darkness... I'm sorry there is no talk that would help.
But I know that the bible refers to Gods word as a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, it also says that the word of God is quick, sharper that any two edged sword... We have a weapon in Gods word we can cut through the thick silence in our darkest days. We have a light and a lamp in the Gods word at the sight of the slightest light silence disappears. Shine the light of Gods word into your life and trust me you will see a difference, a huge one. I have had really dark times too but it was Gods word and love that saw me through you may want to try and find that it actually does work.

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