Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Hair Talk: Natural Hair

By Misslara16 @misslara

Guess who's natural and loving it? Yea that's me! So I transitioned over the year 2012 and then did the chop in July this year(2013) 
At first going natural looked impossible but then I'm in such a good place at the moment, wearing my natural hair and loving it. I had to take off my wig for a while because of the Nigerian law school dinner and then decided to spend some time with lé hair. 
I have a few things I do, like make a hair smoothie once in a while and deep condition with... The first one I did last week was the egg, lime, banana, castor oil and Shea butter  goodness! I applied it and left it to cook all night. 
I also just wear my hair in a simple twist out..... Here is a picture! 
That's me going to learn how to become a lawyer! 
Hair Talk: Natural hair

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