I cut my hair last October in order to wear my natural curls. Some of you are thinking, "Sommer, why would you cut your hair off to do that?" Well, some women are able to transition (grow their hair out with relaxed ends which they cut off after their natural hair grew to the length they wanted) for however long they wanted, but me, I was quite terrible with hair...and well, lazy, so I just cut my hair off. My hair was super short almost bald. My hair has grown nicely over 9 months with a lot of trial and error hair care. But along the way I learned A LOT and I am still learning. I think my children's hair, especially my daughter's, has benefited from my research. In fact, we are embarking on The Curly Girl Method. I found out about this via youtube from a Vlogger named MahoganyCurls. I am trying hard not to play constantly in my hair and just let it go and I think this will be very beneficial for me since I suck at most of the natural hairstyles. Maybe when my curls grow I can try some new styles, but for now, I just condition wash, do hot oil treatments, seal (use a leave-in conditioner and then seal with an oil) and recently, fell in love with eco-styler gel to define my curls. I also use sulfate-free shampoo after I get home from the pool....I usually do an hot oil treatment first, then shampoo, and deep condition.
My dry hair pulled back with an ouchless band by Goody. Yesterday I did an hot oil treatment, washed it with a sulfate free shampoo, deep conditioned leaving the cap on overnight, I then rinsed added a leave-in and and defined my curls using Eco-Styler Clear gel. It's grown in 9 months, but looks super short because my curls, like most kinky curls, are prone to massive shrinkage....which is neat and frustrating at times.
My husband got this shot of me outside my daughter's room monitoring her as she cleaned lol. Oily forehead is coconut oil I added some to my hair when I was making the grocery list lol.
OK back to the Curly Girl Method. The method is shampoo-free, flat-iron, most heat (except for occasional use of diffuser (to prevent frizz and damage) to dry when in a hurry. Here is a complete overview of this method I found to be helpful without purchasing the book- yet. This method is great for all curly/wavy hair types. Will show this as I am incorporating this method with my family of curlies. My husband has straight/wavy hair, but it gets very dry so I think this will help him immensely.
Today I gave this a try with my whole family. Check out the photos below. If you have any questions, or suggestions, please feel free to comment below or on FB/twitter and I will be more than happy to answer or thank your for for your help!
Here we go!
I started by washing my daughter's (as well as my sons and husband's) hair with a sulfate-free shampoo as we went swimming the previous day and I wanted all the gunk out. From now on, will use conditioner only.
Found this (the last one) on sale at the PX! Was so happy
Next I conditioned and also detangled starting at the ends on up. I used Organix conditioner with argon oil. I love that conditioner because her tangles literally melted away. I am always ok with that. And it's silicone free.
My son's
Next I rinsed and added some leave-in conditioner to all their hair.
My son combing it through lol
Then my daughter shaking her hair to help air-dry. You can also scrunch which we did. A microfiber towel or t-shirt is recommended, but a regular ol towel is OK for now.
To their semi-wet curls, I added regular clear eco-styler gel. Just a small amount is good!
My eldest
My husband's
My daughter's hair semi-dry
Her hair fully dry!
Less frizzy for sure. I can't wait to see all their hair change over-time!
Will update with day 2 or 3 hair if it makes it to then!!!
Thank your for reading!!! Anyone else doing this? Any product recommendations? I loved seeing the before and afters on NaturallyCurly.com! Check them out here