Politics Magazine

The Cultural Left Wants to Get Rid of All Social Rules, All Notions of Respect and Disrespect and All Tastes and Preferences

Posted on the 12 September 2017 by Calvinthedog

Social rules are there for a reason, although the Cultural Left seems to believe that all social rules are “bigotry” and “hate,” and they are furious at the idea that some of us believe in respect and disrespect and have these horrific things called tastes and preferences. After all, all tastes and preferences and notions of disrespect are simply evidence of “hate” and “bigotry.” We need to accept everyone, no matter how they look, act, or dress! Everyone’s fine. Nobody can be respected anymore than anyone else. Social rules are wicked clubs used to discriminate against whichever Freaks Du Jour the Cultural Left are promoting today. How dare we get upset in that man in a dress! How evil! So that woman says she’s a flamingo? So what? Maybe that’s her gender? Quit being so damned oppressive, bigot!

Really the Cultural Left is waging a war against the way that humans have lived as far back as we can determine. Ever read an ethnogrpahy? I have. Many. Trust me that all cultures have all sorts of elaborate social rules about all sorts of things. All cultures have tastes and preferences and rules, often strict and complex rules, regarding human behavior. The Cultural Left wants to throw thousands of years of human cultural history onto the bonfire and light it all up.

All of the things we take for granted, all of the rules that govern every aspect of our social intercourse, they want to light it all up because our rules are not kind to freaks, weirdos, perverts, deviants, idiots, fools and dumbasses. How evil that we don’t respect this glorious Cultural Left freakshow the same way we respect people who have the gall to try to act normal!

If you’re a man and want to turn into a woman, just do it! If you’re a woman and want to turn into a man, just do it! Hey if you’re a human and want to turn into a giraffe, just do it! Call it your gender, I’m sure everyone will go along!

If you want to act like a fag, just do it! Wade over into that group of auto repair guys, lumberjacks and construction workers and start pinching their asses and making passes at them! How dare they get upset! They must be evil homophobic scum! Put them in jail! How dare they have rules! Who do they think they are setting up rules for human behavior? Outrageous!

Want to take off your dress and don motorcycle boots, a leather jacket, a crewcut and a longshoreman’s swagger, honey? Be my guest! How dare anyone get upset at you for acting like a freak! They must be evil to expect you to act halfway normal like most everyone else.

Normality is evil! Normality is oppression! Up with freaks! Up with weirdos! Down with normality! Crush normality now!

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