Is she trying to sniff it???
I am not a relationship expert infact I am in love, confused but most times happy LOL. Stop there its not personal gist!
So, I was having a conversation with a friend who is very much like me when it comes to believes and values... we hang out sometimes to just talk and then this time it was about dating/marriage. I can be very opinionated but I also believe strongly to each his own. Having been brought up in a christian but judgmental environment I know the harm that judging people does, lets just say its way more than the good.
We were talking about dating, a lot of people date a lot before finally getting married. Seriously, I don't really know which is better; date as much as possible or strategically date with marriage in mind. I feel life life happens for different people in different ways and one cannot judge with their own situation. So I decided to give her the coke bottle analogy... Here is our conversation... 'kinda remixed though'
ME; If you shake a brand new bottle of coke right out of the vending machine and open it what happens?
HER; The fizz/gas comes out foaming aggressively
ME; Cover it up and repeat the shaking progress what happens?
HER; The fizz still comes out, but a little less that the first time
ME; Repeat the process
HER; Same thing happens but its much more reduced...
ME; By the time you do it the 6th time is there any gas/fizz left?
HER; Looking at me like im crazy and slowly says " no it will taste almost like water" in other words the fiz/gas is gone
My Analysis; I feel as women we tend to give so much of ourselves in relationships, when I say give, I'm talking all kinds, money, emotions, time, love everything we've got sometimes... we give and give and we don't care sometimes if we receive in return.
Its good to be a giving person but at some point you feel like life has been sucked out of you' and you are just tired then begin to think and say things like "love is overrated" at this point next step is to think of settling with just any guy that comes along that's if you haven't settled yet.
My one Pence: Dont give too much of yourself if you are the type that dates a lot, the fact that a guy took you to the movies does not make him your lord and savour. If you date a lot, keep it casual for companinship or whatever reason floats your boat, dont be a 'serial commiter'.
If you are someone like me who falls in love and can't remember their names (
This is my once 'Pence' it's not law but I feel it might help someone put things into perspective, you don't want to be knackered before you meet the real deal. Don't hinder your future happiness ( now I sound like an online advert) you know what I mean... Have a lovely day people!!
Images from Google