What’s it all about?:
Aaron Davis joins his father’s ministry at seven years of age. He attracts national attention when he heals a woman of cancer. His services draw thousands of worshipers. He creates an organization with his sister Esther, called the Brotherhood of Man, that unites the major religions of the world. He brokers a treaty that ends the conflict in the Middle East and Northern Africa. He fields a powerful army to maintain the peace. Jack Holder, a former Congressman, becomes President. The United States is under intense international pressure to join the Brotherhood of Man’s effort to create a new world order. Jack’s secret Masonic organization wants Aaron Davis eliminated. Barbara Holder, Jack’s religious wife, believes Aaron Davis is the Antichrist. The fate of the world will depend on which side Jack chooses.
What did I think?:
First of all, many thanks to NetGalley and Authorhouse Press for allowing me to read a copy of The Brotherhood, an intriguing novel with an exciting premise. It tells the story of a remarkable young boy called Aaron Davis whom at the tender age of seven joins his father’s ministry and becomes instantly famous after he manages to heal a woman suffering from cancer. His father is overjoyed at first, imagining the potential for his business but things become slightly difficult when people flock in their hundreds to the preachers events, some who have debilitating illnesses and are hoping to be cured, others just to catch a glimpse of the young boy who performs miracles on a daily basis and whose fame now eclipses his fathers.
On growing up, Aaron and his sister Esther form a new religious organisation with Aaron as the ultimate leader known as The Brotherhood of Man. Aaron’s goal is to use representation from each major religion of the world and combine them into just one religion – his. On some levels, he is very successful. He manages to draw up peace treaties in troubled areas of the world like the Middle East and parts of Africa and mounts the largest army the world have ever seen whose sole function is to maintain the peace. Apparently.
Meanwhile, Congressman Jack Holder is about to become President of the United States and is under increasing pressure from The Brotherhood of Man to join and accept them as a new power in the world. Jack is actually a secret Mason and his society have many doubts about Aaron Davis and the new religion in general and believe he might actually be more of a danger to the world. Even Jack’s ultra-religious wife has misgivings and has been studying the Book of Revelations convinced that he may in fact be the Anti-Christ. So is Aaron a genuine religious leader or does he have a darker side? And can President Holder risk upsetting the organisation which is gathering more followers, more media coverage and more power as the days go by?
As I mentioned before, I think this novel had a fascinating premise and I suspect that the author may have used a lot of his personal experiences in the Southern Baptist Church in his writing. It is a bit of a slow-burner as all the characters are established and unfortunately I didn’t feel a connection with many of them. It almost feels like the author put so much work into Aaron’s character that a lot of the others, many of whom had great potential, were left on the back burner. Aaron’s sister in particular, Esther, was a character I warmed to almost immediately and it would have been nice if she had been developed a bit further. However, I have to say that after a short while, the suspense and action were ramped up and it was a very enjoyable story that made me eager to find out what happened next. There’s a few excting twists and turns where secrets are revealed and even my own thoughts on religion felt challenged, which I loved. I would probably read another novel by this author as I enjoyed the pace once it got going and the compelling and unique ideas which built this story in the first place.
Would I recommend it?:
Star rating (out of 5):